Noob questions

That’s good-going if you have only had the OT for a month!

So far, so good!

As you learned when you were using just the DT and DN, the MIDI Program Change messages that the Elektron gear uses for this purpose is sent on a specific MIDI channel.

On the OT this MIDI channel number is set in the PROJECT > MIDI > SYNC menu. The setting is labelled “Ch”, immediately below PROG CH SEND on the screen. I recommend that you set it to a specific number, for example 16.

In the DT and DN you set the MIDI channel number for reception of these messages in their SETTINGS > MIDI CONFIG > CHANNELS menus (the same for both instruments). Set PROGRAM CHG IN CH to the same number (for example, 16) that you used on the OT.

That should fix things: check it out and report back.

The OT by default sends out MIDI messages and the DN and DT receive them. But that can be changed.

In the OT’s PROJECT > MIDI > CONTROL menu, set AUDIO CC OUT to “INT”.

That alone should be sufficient in most scenarios. But you can make doubly sure that there is no unexpected behaviour by adjusting the behaviour of the DT and DN. In the SETTINGS > MIDI CONFIG > PORT CONFIG menu on both instruments, disactivate RECEIVE CC/NRPN.

I know. You have three VERY powerful machines, and it does take some time, some manual reading, and asking some questions to get where you want.

There may still be more tweaks to make as you refine your setup. I recommend that you save your Projects on each machine as you tweak them, to use as template projects in the future so that you don’t need to set up all the settings again each time you begin another project.

We’ll be here to help.


What a lovely response :blush:


Holy Moley!
Thank you so much Peter for taking that time! This is my problem right here, laid out.
Wonderful! I have always appreciated your clear, concise direction and advice.
Ive been Peter Hanes’d!
thank you so much!!


how do you solo a track? google and the manual says QUE + TRIG (i even tried it with the mixer window open) but it just like EQ boosts the sound… FUNC + TRIG mutes it just fine. but i wanna solo something. ty

nvm, figured it out!


Just wanted to check back in, @PeterHanes, to say that it works out perfectly. Before i gave it a try i had to put the OT away for a bit, try and have fun making music rather than it feel like a homework assignment. But after a few weeks, coming back with an enthusiastic mindset and following your advice to the letter, its all running smooth as cheese.
Thanks again!


I’ve got a Jupiter X and i’m trying to change the bank / prog from the Octratrack. The regular Bank / Prog option from the Octa’s Midi Note Setup is not working, as it not works with another synths i have…

So i asked on the Jupiter X group and a guy send me this list (i’m attaching a sample) showing what to do to set the Jupiter bank / program using CC. Can someone translate it the Octatrack language, please ? For instance, what exactly should i do to set the Jupiter to Scene Bank 2, Scene 5 ?

There are a number of things to set up correctly here. Let’s take them one by one.

  1. Program Change messages need to be sent on the correct MIDI channel. What channel number have you set for the OT’s MIDI sequencer track in the MIDI Note Setup page and does that channel number match the channel number that you have set on the Jupiter X? If you can send MIDI Note messages OK then it should be set up correctly.

  2. With what you are trying to do, the OT will only send the Program Change message when it changes to a pattern that is linked to a Part in which you have stored the Program Change number. Are you sure that is what you want? (There is the option to send the Program Change message every time the OT changes pattern, but you may not want that behaviour.)

Confirm that Program Change messages are being sent correctly according to the above and then we’ll move on to the Bank Select (MIDI CC 0 and CC 32) situation.


Thanks for answering !

1 - Yes, i’m on the correct channel, actually the Octa is sequencing the JPX correctly when sending notes. The only issue is that i have to manually select the bank on the JPX and i would like that when i load the song and hit play, Octa automatically changes the JPX bank / program, so i don’t need to remember to do it everytime i load a new song (or a new part) on the Octa.

2 - Yes, this is what i want. I can do this with some synths, but others not. For instance, for the Ob6 Octa’s program select will work but not bank select, to select the bank on the Ob6 i need to send a specific Midi CC. But in the case of JPX , both program and bank are not working, it seems Octa is sending the information but JPX won’t take it for some reason.

I’ve briefly scanned through the manual.

In the system menu under midi is a parameter ‘Ctrl Ch’, this specifies the channel on which the Jupiter X responds to program changes. Have you set a channel there? (Just use the same channel you use in OT for sequencing).

Under Midi RX there are also the RX PC and RX Bank parameter. Have you set both to on?

(Pdf reference manual page 44 - parameters marked red)


Shame on my lack of RTFM, thank you will test it now !

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Now a really noob one : let’s say i loaded a sample on project A, edited the sample, created slices and so on. When i load this same sample on project B, i want all settings i did on project A goes to project B (slices, loop points, trims). Is this possible ?

Better yet, can i copy an entire track (with samples , FX and settings) between projects ?

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Yeah, when you edit a sample in the audio editor and save it / save its settings, it creates a little file that loads with the sample with all the infos in it.

Not sure for the track pasting between projets.

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I just tested it, and it seems to work :smiley:


Afaik you can paste everything (parts, tracks, patterns, audio and midi parameter pages=playback/src, amp, lfo, fx1, fx2 and note, arp, lfo, ctrl1, ctrl2) between projects. :slight_smile:

Probaply also works with scenes.

Same on other Elektrons btw.


Nice, only problem is, for each pattern you want do copy / paste, you need to load the old project, copy, load the new project, paste. Would be great if Elektron had an app to bulk transfer patterns between projects.

I know Octaedit can do this, but i’m waiting for the v.2 for ages… :thinking:

Sure. Octatrack has a filemanager that lets you move banks between projects, though (check manual under ‘Card Tools’) and it’s also possible to copy/paste stuff directly on the cf card (you can find threads on how to do that here in the forum), just make sure you have a backup. :wink:


I don’t know if this is possible, but here it goes.

The Octatrack is the brain of my setup : all my synths are sequenced by it. And i have lots of CCs configured on the FX1 and FX2 for each midi track.

My question is : is there a way to i always have a ‘default’ set of CCs ? The problem is , after i do a jam and screw up the CCs, i’d like to it return to the ‘default’ set of values : these are the values i’d like to use always in the beginning of the jam.

In the way it’s working now , everytime i start a new jam, i start with the set of CCs values i left it on the last jam :confounded:

Set it how you like it, save the project, jam, reload the project when done?

im new to the octatrack but if you’re referring to the param values when you mean default CC, merlins guide has a section about “PARTS” that will assist. basically think of the “PART” as your template, the ‘base camp’. its where you return to after you’ve been on a journey. if you save the part then you can make whatever changes you want then revert to the part. i haven’t gotten that far yet, but there are tactics explained in his guide. :slight_smile:

edit: i misunderstood your inquiry. leaving my post there for anyone else who may find themselves here researching parts. merlins guide!! the truth!