No Undo!

Here is a demo (ignore the crappy pattern) showing that undo does not work after clearing, note I copied the pattern beforehand so that I could paste it back to show it a few times. It is the same for track too, undo does not work most of the time. I noticed that sometimes when copying (func+rec) then pasting (func+stop) it can make the undo work as expected, but not always, most of the time it simply won’t work.

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My most typical mystake is press Func+Clear when I want to erase a recently recorded sequence… so I erase all the patern (All sequences), but if you press again Func+Clear its an UNDO :laughing:


Let‘s find a way to implement and we will rule the universe : )

I mean those samplers have tons of features and are still widely used for that reason. Heck, the MPC One is competitively priced and if you really need undo, seriously consider getting one.

Ahhaha, nope. I use to hit Func+No accidentally once in a while and usually it erases everything (reverts to the state where I haven’t yet saved anything with Func+Yes). There’s no undo there if to hit Func+No twice, so it’s a nice shortcut to make your sequence gone forever.

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Can’t believe I just discovered this thread for the wrong reasons!! I was trying to clear an LFO… so I have to press LFO first then!!?

You press LFO, hold the LFO button, and then press Clear.


Thanks! I figured that out after wiping something I’d been working on for an hour and realising there’s no UNDO function. :partying_face:
Sounds like I’m annoyed, but overall I’m 2 days into delving into the Digitakt and really really like it!

How about when you press func no to restore a pattern, only to discover the last time you pressed
Func yes was before you did a load of cool

Lost my work 3 times today. I can only blame myself though.


Perhaps better than always saving is always recording. At least then you have something to show for it.

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Hey everyone, not sure if this helps, but I’ve recently just gotten in the habit of working in only one single pattern and then every couple minutes making a copy of that pattern elsewhere in the bank just so I have it there. Kind of annoying but it beats losing everything, I see it like reaching a continuation point in a video game (“save game?”).

Glad I’m not the only person who’s had this problem, btw. ( Is this why Cenk left?!?!) Maybe one day Elektron will fix this in a firmware update? :slight_smile:

There are multiple ways of undoing things. Save your project as a new project and use version numbers (like v1.001, V1.002 etc.) When making big changes. When you mess something up, simply copy the pattern from an older version to the new version. Use temp safe (func + yes) before making changes so you can revert back with func + no. Hold a parameter page button + no to revert that page back to saved state (also works on delay, reverb and master pages). When pasting or clearing a pattern, repeat that to undo it. When controlling all when you keep holding TRK press no to undo to the state before controll all.

That covers a lot :wink: and most of these are wonderful live performance tricks as well :+1:t2:


I blew away my whole +drive without meaning to. You are small fry, one pattern? :grinning:

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I think that its such a shame that there’s still no coming back from FUNC+NO state. Sometimes i spend a few minutes in a flow and accidentally press Reload Ptn and the pattern is gone. I understand that it was designed this way but I think its bad that theres no way back from it. My setup looks like this now -_-


Next to save pattern, Copy pattern when it’s finished. Jam. Hit Func+no accidentally. Paste pattern. =undo

Alternatively train yourself to more deliberately press func + yes and not press no instead :wink:


I may be alone but if my Digitakt had unlimited undo it’d be like the audio recorder with 27 different takes of almost exactly the same thing I keep tabbing between and previewing until I’m on my death bed from old age with my last words being “but maybe the first take was actually the best after all”.

The fn+yes / fn+no instant save / mess up then recall thing is genuinely the best thing on the Digitakt. Digitakt having it made me realise other things have it in some state like very often messing with a patch on the OB6 and then hitting the preset button to reset it back. It’s such a wonderful creative thing but any more save / undo slots would be counterproductive.

I’ve also pretty often felt that creative things where I lost work led to me doing better the next time. There’s this memory of things being better than they actually were and a drive to recreate them that inspires improvement.


DT has definitely got to the point where new features are starting to interfere with the excellent existing flow, so I would not welcome any further layers of complexity connected to this side of things.


I like the danger, accidentally fucking up a pattern is part of the fun.


No and then!

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Well, there’s no need to update your gear if you don’t want to :slight_smile: