No Undo!

Had just spent ages carefully crafting a pattern (by the way the LFO goes out of sync after a few bars unless you retrig to get it back in sync), accidentally held track and turned a few knobs - which totally fucked everything. Hadn’t saved pattern in a while, and it seems there’s no undo. How shit! Switched it off and going to bed.


I feel your pain and have done similar. On the bright side though, you’ll probably never make that mistake again.


I will light a candle for your lost pattern and pray to the saving gods that they don’t take any more from you… :smiley_cat:


I would like at least 1 level of undo on the digitakt, even mpc had it 10 years ago, not too much to ask i dont think


i don’t think it’ll be implemented. just save religiously when working and you won’t have that many mess ups

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Just hit func+yes to save a copy to temp before you go nuts. or iteratively save your patterns to different slots as you get ones you like. It’s a good habit to get into because it’s a powerful live function to snapshot, tweak and reload.

Just need slightly more discipline. It’s not like this is something that doesn’t happen on other devices, or in DAWs.


func+yes is the answer! Or copy pattern. (Pasting btw CAN be undone, by hitting Paste again immediately afterwards.)

I’m really sorry that that happened. It’s happened to me too, and it hurts. There are happy accidents, but there are also unhappy ones! :frowning: I hope after a sleep, you can forgive your machine and get back to that pattern :smiley:

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Btw the topic reminds me of this logo, which I’ve got some stickers of:


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Every other device and daw has undo.


DAWs do, mostly, sure, but I can think of lots of hardware that doesn’t :slight_smile:

Regardless, it sucks that you lost your pattern. I hope you can find enjoyment in recreating it, or making something completely new!

(Don’t forget about function-yes/no and copy/paste pattern too.)

Yes, but there are plenty of times when you can mess up in a DAW and not go back. What I mean is it’s about the habits you form to minimise your losses. It sucks to lose work, and i’m not trying to tell you it’s your fault. Let it be a learning experience, and don’t let it kill your enthusiasm to create.

Sorry to hear that you lost your work – we’ve all been there! There is an undo for some critical things, like clear track/pattern – you just hit the button combo again. A broader undo for everything could be handy but I’m not really sure how the Digitakt would know where to undo to, so it would have to save state for every knob movement, buttion press, etc. Each knob you move has multiple values it passes through, and if you moved multiple knobs you’d need loads of levels of undo. Unlike a DAW, the DT has pretty limited RAM that I’d rather it uses for samples! Just get used to hitting func+yes before you make siginifacnt changes.

As folks pointed out Reload pattern is your friend

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I literally read the above comment and thought it sounded like a good show name at the same time my eyes moved down and saw you wrote that… :smile:

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I used Func + Yes to save a pattern once. Then I did CTRL + ALL manipulation and wanted to reload my pattern but I hit Func + Yes again by accident and saved the messed up pattern.

Fortunately I’m used to working with programs that break easily so I’m used to saving pretty often. :slight_smile:


I tweaked a pattern to hell and back, and thought to myself, “Aha, you’re not gonna get the best of me you stupid machine”, copied and pasted to a new pattern, then saved project.

Three seconds later, “oh fuck.”

Can anyone spot what I did wrong?

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Did you loose the first iteration that was what you used to start the pattern you copied?

Yup :frowning:

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If you know your in a pattern that you for sure want to keep, probably best to make a copy of it first and then tweak away. I think with the latest updates you can copy the pattern to a new position while your still in the active one, so you can seemlessly switch to it…

Otherwise yeah, you got to reload that sucker before saving again… :slight_smile:

LOL yeah. The next time I ended up in the same scenario I was like “Alright damnit, this is NOT happening again” and I swear I took probably 5 minutes just to pause and think about every step I was doing to make sure I kept the tweaked version but didn’t lose the original. Talk about mental gymnastics.