No output coming from Octatrack

I’ve had the USB bug with my Mac, but that freezes the whole unit.

It seems to be behaving again now. If it happens again, I will test, by only removing audio cables, and not restarting.

I should probably send a support request to Elektron, too.

Hi everybody,

TL;DR: quickly sending CC with Note 33 (A1) twice to an unconfigured MIDI track seems to make the output of the OT go silent; sending Note 36 (C2) afterwards seems to fix it

I bought a used OT MK2 (firmware 1.40a) a few days ago and am quite new to its workflow (had a DT before). Today I experienced a similar issue as mentioned in this thread: suddenly no sound via headphone/main without clearly identifiable reason. All proposed workarounds didn’t seem to solve the problem for me. I then recognized that it only happened in my own project (default settings, T1 set up as Thru Machine together with a MIDI track on channel 10), not one of the default projects. This led me to the idea that it might be something that has been saved to the project.

I have an Arturia Keystep connected and realized that pressing a certain key (B1 / MidiCH7) caused the OT to start playing (even though recv MIDI is set to false), while another key (A1 / MidiCH5) caused it to stop. I have no idea if this is expected behavior but it seems odd to me, since all receive settings are disabled and the track isn’t set up as MIDI track at all.

So I was able to reproduce the “no output” problem by doing the following:

  • on the Keystep select a MIDI Channel other than 10 (in my example it is 10, just pick one that has no MIDI config/channel set on the OT)
  • decrease the octave on the Keystep by 1 (the leftmost key should be C1)
  • perform the happy path test by pressing “B1” (key with MidiCh7) just once (the OT should start playing now) and then “A1” (key with MidiCh5) just once (OT should stop playing)
  • then quickly press “A1” twice
  • if you now press play on the OT (or hit B1) the output should have gone silent
  • finally up to the funny part: if you now press the “C2” on the Keystep (key with MidiCH8) the sound on the OT should immediately come back again

I analyzed which CC commands the Keystep sends on these notes, but it sends nothing unexpected and just simple noteOn/noteOff for the given notes (A1/B1/C2 or 33/34/36).

Maybe someone with more OT knowledge can tell if this is known or expected behavior (if thats the case forgive me for being so noobish). I just found it worth sharing and wanted to register on the forums for ages anyway :slight_smile: … maybe it is of help for someone out there.

In any case: sorry for the lenghty post

i have the same problem… is there any official response about this issue?
does the reset to factory format the card?

Which one ?
Because you are sending wrong notes to OT ?
The Utimate Octatrack Silence Calling

Nooo getting no sound from the ot… while recording audio from machines that you route via midi from the ot
It happened to me twice. Last day yesterday
I would like to know why … atleast

Impossible to tell if you don’t describe precisely what you’re doing. Many reasons possible.
And if you say it happens randomly, it is even more difficult. You have to identify the problem when it happens.

Midi, audio levels, cables, recording, playback problem ? You have to check these one by one.

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In order, i would check if there’s sound in another project.

Then i would check Mixer page (nothing solo’ed or Cued), USB cable, check if you didn’t change audio settings, try to preview sound in the AED, check the scenes, AMP page, LFO page, SRC page (reset all of them if needed).


We’ve all been here.
Debunking why OT makes no sound will let you discover new OT ways, keep trying to understand however frustrating it can be.

First thing first: start a new Project, load a sample, check that you can hear it.