No New Gear Year 2023 AKA NGNY 2023

Yep, allow me throw an anti-GAS towel over this fire. Digitakt kicks the shit out of the SP in terms of workflow, sequencing and sound shaping. I sent the SP back to the retailer after just 3 days. Stereo and skip back was nice, but the Digitakt is a far superior sampler imho. Plus, it has Overbridge.


To get the most of sampling I think you need to be a librarian or accountant at heart. I love sampling but I’m not either of those things. It helped me to look at sampling as more of a live instrument and not to be precious about saving/loading everything. Maybe switch perspectives?

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First message here to say I’m in!
My goals this year:

  1. Make everything I have work together the way I want and if something is not working / end up being used, getting rid of it.
  2. Finish at least 12 full songs / ideas that I (this is important) can consider acceptable/nice. This is just my hobby so… enought for me.
  3. Learn everything I own, better.

Good luck :wink:


Thanks @elxsound and @craig, I appreciate your effort! With my use case (80%+ Syntakt, <20% samples on the side), I’m less worried about the workflow because I wouldn’t really use the built-in sequencer much. And I’m used to the lightweight plastic of my MC-101.

Mono samples is definitely the sticking point for me. Sampled a pad from the MC-101 and it just isn’t the same once on the Digitakt. Can’t quite get over that part. But I’ll try to keep the GAS in check and I’m in no hurry, really. :slight_smile:

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The only sampler I’ve stuck with is Ableton session view.

I bought an SP404mk2 last year because my Syntakt was getting repaired. It is/was my last shot with a sampler after trying and selling both a Blackbox and a Polyend Tracker over the years. It is sitting unused vs my dedicated studio laptop.

The SP404mk2 does a lot on paper, but it is just another toy to play with. It is not convenient for most music. If you are in NGNY, then I really believe you’ll feel bad breaking your pledge for this gadget. It is not worth it.

It is certainly not worth obsessing for hours and hours over, either way!


I’ll mention that this cheap Ableton template (it is not gear, or a plugin) has been a really great workflow addition for me, and is not gear or a VST.


In the interest of going deeper with what I have, last week I pulled the NF-1 out of the studio and spent some time just using that synth, made some really nice ambient pads with the looping enevelopes. This week it’s pulsar and it really benefits from dedicated exploration. Last night it was clocking the Shaos and using those outputs to trigger the models with other chicanery going on also.


Technically, I already broke my pledge with the Digitakt, but I hear what you’re saying. I’ve been thinking some more about my pledge and realized that I’m probably not a great member of this thread/pledge because I’m not trying to escape from e.g. an unhealthy or destructive pattern. My pledge is a little different: I don’t want to lose money from impulse purchases of gear that I don’t need. But that’s different from intentionally buying stuff because you are interested in the exploration. It’s a fine line here, but I let my gut guide me.

I have come to realize that exploring new workflows is part of the fun for me. My concern has been around the financial cost of it, but I just summarized all my gear transactions over the past 5 years, and it turns out I’ve lost a total of €83 in total over those years from buying and selling. In other words, I’ve been able to rent synths and grooveboxes for the past 5 years at a cost of less than €1.50/month. Given how much those experiences have taught me about music making - and given how many songs I’ve made - I’d say that it was money and time well spent.

I’m sure you’re right about the 404 workflow though - it’s a Roland device after all. :see_no_evil: But I’ll aim to give it a try. Just picked up a one-month old MK2 for €325 with receipt, box etc so I’m jumping at another risk-free exploration here. If I don’t like it, I’ll flip it and move on.

Anyway, thanks for your solid advice! I actually do a lot of sample shaping in Reason 10 in a similar way as you’re Ableton. In the end, nothing beats sample management on the computer, and maybe I’ll end up there 100% soon.

I’ll slowly back out of this thread for now since I clearly am not helping anyone fight their GAS. :joy:


Many thanks for the [anti-GAS] review. I thought this mic would help me to make clear recordings of kalimbas, flutes & found sounds straight to the OP-1f and without the room tone. Otherwise, the OP-1f already has a clean sounding mic, plus I already have a high end field recorder.
No need for that Tula mic.

Im going to formally withdraw from this. Ive made 2 purchases this week already and Im eyeing a new mac mini.

Good luck to everyone.


No worries! And there are some proper reviews that will say the same thing I did. It’s lovely looking, there’s the noise cancelling and memo recording but otherwise it’s not a pro mic and definitely can’t compete with a field recorder

Hey @peaceful that’s really great to hear! Happy to hear the workflow and template is helping in your production process!! Your post made me become aware of this thread… super interesting. Since 2 years I have a sightly different GAS strategy. I call it “maintaining balance in the force” :smiley: basically if I want to buy anything, it has to be funded by other gear leaving the studio. Works great and you end up with only things you don’t want to miss… Love the idea of not buying anything though and just going deep! Maybe next year…


This would be a good exercise for anyone who wants to be more logical, critical, inquisitive, and to question and keep their motives in check when it comes to buying a ton of gear, or even just thinking that something is needed. It would also be a good exercise to anyone who wants to dive deep and squeeze as much as possible out of the gear already available.

There is no need for more gear most of the time if there is plenty of imagination.

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Sorry to see you go. I heard this year Elektron are going to give every last person standing on 31st December 2023 in this thread a new Rytm Mk2.


That’s just new gear but with extra steps


I’d love a free Syntakt :slight_smile:

It might be both :slight_smile:

Anyone else experience FOMO GAS?

My local store has one DNK in stock, and the current ambiguity about that product’s availability got me thinking I should buy it, despite already having a DN…

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Have no fear !
You will absolutely be able to buy it later.
Have faith. You will always be provided for.
When there is an essential need for something, the opportunity will come. This isn’t pie in the sky but there is enough that you will always get the things you require.
Be at peace.


I’ve had a hard first month of the year, musically speaking. It’s been hard to find inspiration for continuing making music.

I decided to sell all my pedals. I realized that having them just makes me feel forced to use them, even though I have better options in the box which I’m most confortable using it. The idea of not having pedals around really makes me want to explore more sounds, instead of use those pedals for the duties.

I’m kind of afraid that having that que xtra money will trigger GAS anxiety. Fortunately I’m only interested in the Syntakt which is impossible to get in my country. In addition I’ll leave my country this year, and I really want to travel as light as possible, but I’m afraid that synths will be more accesible in my destination hahahaha

After selling the pedals I’ll end up just with my bass and a computer with Ableton, and I’ve noticed that it is my most efficient setup and the one that I enjoy the most. Hardware usually makes harder for me to finish songs so I want to stay that way as much as I could before looking for inspiration somewhere else.