Ok…so I MIGHT be a moron…but I’m sure there is something buggy with my Octa…
Basically if i set up a midi track sending to a synth, coming back into input “A” i can see the input signal is flashing…i then go to a track and set it to be a Thru machine and select “A” as the input i should hear something surely?
It seems to work sometimes depending on which track i use…when i save and come back to it the project loads but the Thru machine doesn’t seem to pass audio.
Any ideas? I don’t want to take a sledge hammer to the Octa or my head but it’s getting close…
Track+play (in case you have the seq stopped) -check your scenes or select an empty one
The thru machines have to be triggered, that’s the only thing that I see missing from the steps you have listed. Just place a trig on the 1 of your thru machine track and it should pass audio.
oh! So many times I’ve forgotten to trigger the thru machine! Never understood why you actually have to do that, anyway, my money is on that puxfluxs solution is the key!
- make sure the trig on the flex machine has an endless note length!
You don’t need a trig ! The track just needs to be playing, look at the icon next to ‘T’ if it’s a square (ie stop) just hold track and press play (this works when seq is stopped too) if the icon is a ‘play’ triangle the problem is elsewhere. It’s simplest with a trig but it is not essential
Hmm…thanks guys but I am doing all this…which is why i wonder if there is a bug in my Octa…
Strangely if i use a different pattern or track it sometimes works…seems particularly buggy on track 8 (even tho i have master track set to “off”) ie: if i use track 6 and set up a thru machine the exact same way it works fine…
I even tried resetting to Factory settings but it keeps happening…
i checked there are no odd locks etc on the track…cleared all trigs etc
All the vids ive watched and all peoples advice seems clear, after all the thru machines seem the simplest to set up!
I am struggling with the exact same problem. Thru track won’t pass audio. The track has a trig in the first position, audio is going to the inputs (can be heard by bringing up direct in mixer and record LEDs are flashing), INCD is set to C+D and VOL is all the way up. It was working, then at some point it just stopped. I have been bringing up a midi setup with OT, MachineDrum and a synth, so I have been messing with a lot of settings. Everything else is finally basically working but now this is broken. Not sure exactly when in the workflow it stopped, but it’s been a drag. I checked that both scenes are set to empty scenes. The track is not muted. Other tracks work fine.
I reloaded the project and lost some changes but the thru machine just started working again. Whatever happened, when it was in that other state, my track mutes were not working either. Tracks were either playing or not playing without regard to track mute status. The ones that played did so whether I muted them or not, and the thru machine track was silent whether I muted it or not. It is almost like the machine was able to get into some corrupt state where muting was completely nonfunctional. It may not have had anything to do with thru machine. If I figure out how to get it into that state again, I’ll post the steps in case anyone else sees it.
Did not know about the Track + Play/Stop or the play and stop icons per track.
Thank you sir or madam.
I am starting to think it must be an O.S. bug…
What happens if you manually trig the track? (For example, to trig track 1 you would press step 9.)
Thanks for all the help…turns out I am an idiot.
i watched some more vids and realised i was doing something wrong…
Complicated beast this Octa! When i start a new track all is fine…its just to do with the trigs hidden in demo tracks that were causing the problem
Can you explain “trigs hidden in demo tracks”?
I’m having to different issues with the OT and Thru Machines one is what is being described in this thread and another I’ve described elsewhere.
They both started happening recently which is annoying as it’s been fine for a year and now that I’m gearing up to play out it starts giving me grief!!
I can’t figure this out and it’s killing me.
I can hear the audio coming in through input A when i turn up the Dir in the mixer screen.
There’s the play button under the T on the track.
But I get no sound!
When I use thru machines i have a trig on every step in the sequencer - not sure if that is correct but it works for me.
Also, someone mentioned above that it might have something to do with settings from a previous machine, my question is is there a quick way to revert back to the default state of a machine? So say i have a flex machine with some p locks etc in the sequencer and weird amp settings can i quickly get rid of all that data and have a clean flex machine again?
I had the same problem.
Track one thru working fine, all other track didnt work with thru…
I couldn’t figure out what was wrong and starting a new project helped…
This was an annoying problem for me as well. When re-using a track clear the previous settings and it seems to fix it.
Hold your desired parameter page (playback, amp, etc.) and press clear.
I have my Prophet going into A+B Thru, so I can use the Fx. I always save everything before I finish, but when I turn everything on to work on my tracks the next time…no audio comes out any thru tracks. What I do is select the track “1” for the track the Prophet is on. Then I
Hit record and light up a trig on the first step, hit play…and bingo I can hear sound out the track. If you don’t automatically hear sound coming out, wait till the sequencer comes back around to the trig on step 1…after that, I remove the trig and take off rec. and go from there.
as avantronica has pointed out in a number of threads you could cut out a few steps here and just hit track + play, would definitely speed things up if you are not using any of the other benefits of thru tracks.