Torso Electronics S-4 (sculpting sampler)

I get that. That’s why I bought it, too. It felt like fucking Street Fighter after a minute and I got frustrated. I could never remember the combos :slight_smile:


This is the price I think too $1199. I’d love to be wrong but this is a very small company. Er301 was 1k to put into perspective.

I dunno there are a few things that make me think it could demand the 1199 price but the built in i/o makes me feel like it should be a bit cheaper. I know it is perhaps being marketed as a live fx box / tape looper along with being a sampler but I get the impression that sampler is its primary purpose? No built in sequencer I think puts it in a weird spot of being potentially quite expensive for a 4 track stereo sampler that needs a sequencer to go along with it.

I suppose it is too early to judge given I don’t know the workflow, if it is absolutely amazing at the 4 track style workflow maybe it really doesn’t need a sequencer at all.


Would be rad if it had 4 tracks of generative midi / algo sequencing out independent of main 4 track like the Elektron way.

6 posts were merged into an existing topic: Torso T1 Algorithmic Sequencer

6 days till the S-4 drop, I hope this is an in stock drop and not a preorder wait till 2024 kinda drop.


Honestly appreciate this perspective. Makes me want to give the T-1 another shot. Thank you :slight_smile:

I wonder how the T-1 and S-4 will fit into the same setup.

I remember there was a preorder button on the page when it was up.

It’s already known via instagram that it will be a preorder


When I saw the specs for the S-4, the desire for a GR-1 quickly faded. The Mega is too expensive and too big for me. The filter bank and the pitchshift delay on the S-4 also triggered me immediately.


If it’s just an announcement of pre-order on 16th, what are you predictions for when will be the actual release?

since you represent majestic 12 and I blew the whistle like bob lazar I will keep my mouth shut
regarding any further predictions :zipper_mouth_face: kappa


This could be the best and most unexpected forum reply I have ever received :clap: :clap: :woozy_face:


I will tease something else since I saw your username on Bobs DeLorean …

It has a lot to do with S-4 but nothing with t|so.

So that the time until the 16th passes more quickly

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Time should pass very quick on Bob’s DeLorean indeed.
Actually my inspiration was MJ12 from Deus Ex (videogame), but obviously its developers took it from the real-life one.


It will be a 2024 release since they are hyping up a pre order this side of Christmas and not the device itself.

Yes would seem to be a 2024 release. Although maybe a few lucky people will get their hands on one before.



Most likely hehe. But I’m not sure if Loopop will be able to do one considering the war happening now. I can imagine that makes it a bit hard to get packages.

Just speculation btw, maybe he does get a review out.