New Pittsburgh Modular synth

Yes, IIRC the VRL1 was around 1500 dollars during the kickstarter campaign right ?

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Looks like it was 1,250 kickstarter and then 1,600 on release for VRL1… I feel like most preset modular systems in the size range of what they are talking with VRL2 are like 4,000+ but if its a single panel per row with a big shared pcb maybe the can get it down to like 3,000? maybe they are targeting 2,500?

180hp total is a pretty serious amount of modular. I suppose it might depend a bit how they are treating the space, if it is a big luxurious thing or a cram everything ever into the space type thing… I suspect it will be pretty dense but maybe not as much so as the VRL1.

It’s not 180hp of modular, though. One row of 90hp is for the sequencer / controller. The top module of VRL was 48hp. This one may not be as dense. I think you are right about $2500-3000. More than that and 6u x 84hp of modular becomes an alternative.

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Another new product : Later in the video ( shortly after 41 minutes ) Richard mentions another product “Snakes” that has a fairly large software component, that comes out in a month or so. They already have 200 of these built ready to ship.

What is it ? Does anyone know details, or :wink: made a pre-order :wink: ?


IIRC in another interview Michael said they intended to make the VL2 “relatively cheaper” than the VL1; If i have understood well, more features but not a huge increase in price.

For the size, in the video he said that they needed more space for the circuits; no need to cram at all costs I suppose.

Anyway, I’m excited for all of their stuff!


With more stuff they’ll have less time for teaser videos, though the Taiga teasers were fun and well done.

They’re not scheduled for NAMM near the end of this month, and Superbooth is in the second half of May. There are a couple of smaller shows before SB ( post with show schedule ), but i bet PM won’t do them.

We’ll see how they promote all this stuff.

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Can I ask, what was the drone synth behind the first video in this thread? : )

I suppose it was the taiga.

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agh I see… ok ) sounds pretty good for droning

This is also a preview for the VL2 oscillator.


Fantastic! I was just about to post the livestream! :slight_smile:
Richard and the other guys are really passionate about their work.

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This is just the first of many.

Plus PM is at Superbooth toward the end of May, so we’ll be hearing more then too.

Looking forward to the announcements from Cre8audio as well.

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You know, I was really sceptical at the start of the video when he talked about how it was doing something never before done in analogue and possibly digital also. My hyperbole antenna were starting to twitch… however, I shouldn’t have doubted ol’ Rich. The ‘p.shift’ in the square wave and the binary wave shape are excellent sounding and really do give it an interesting character of it’s own.

Given, that this is shipping 6-ish weeks after they estimated in the 2024 preview video I’m presuming that it might be the end of March before we see the ‘Cool New Synth’ they alluded to. I’ll be interested to see what it is… might even be enough for me to call off the search for a decently priced 2nd hand Microvolt.


A mini-teaser directly from Pittsburgh Modular social accounts!

(Sorry I can’t embed)


Straight from a comment on PM’s YT channel: the announcement Is Monday with a very weird teaser on Sunday! :grinning:

maybe this time the front panel font will be papyrus


They’re talking/joking about a Taiga Keys!!
More news tomorrow.

Maybe something in collaboration with Crea8audio inspired by the NiftyKeys?


That’s cool! I think a Taiga Keys would pretty fun.

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The easy way for them to do that is to build a Cre8Audio NiftyKEYZ with a "Taiga or two in the tank". I know that doing bundles with the KEYZ is something Cre8Audio has been interested in.

A little discount in price and perhaps something special in the build maybe.

The NiftyKEYZ ( thread ) has a lot of nice features to bring to such a system.


Seems cool, 24hp to play with for you fx or dream bonus feature.

Curious how well it does for them.