New pattern save logic - why?

ahha my bad, didnt know you could do that :slight_smile:
so you have access to both recall states. temp and project. nice

Ok, so this sounds pretty great overall.

You know, you Elektron guys have this one thing that runs through your organisation like your own pattern - you do great stuff. Outstanding, even.

You’re just not always great at explaining them. Or timing the point when you should.

But when you enter the stage like you do now, in this thread, and just spend a few moments to outline how things work, you resolve so many issues and create so much goodwill.

Make a pattern out of that. Don’t hit Reload on the old pattern. Wipe it from your +Drive, and do this instead, this here right now that you’re doing right now. And make that your default.


What he said.

I had a quick glance at the manual and agree that this should be explained more clearly.


So lets say I have messed around and temp saved my patterns with func+yes, I reload to project to have a listen to the original save point, will func+no take me back to the temp save point?, if yes then happy days!.

Here’s a diagram of how I believe that the 1.03 structure works:

The pattern menu Reload from / Save to affect just one pattern. The Settings menu Load / Save affect all the patterns. All these operations afftect the Temp area, setting it the same as what is stored in +Drive.

Note that the Temp area, unlike the clipboard, has space for each pattern. You can save a pattern to the Temp area, go off and play with another pattern, save that to the Temp area, return to the first pattern, and reload what you stored at the start.


I kind of feel like this after trying to follow this topic…

I obviously need to do a lot more work…


Ok so:

α) [FUNC] + [SETTINGS] = Saves Project (Saves all patterns to the +Drive - aka THE REAL SAVE ).
β) [FUNC] + [YES] = Saves Pattern to Temporary Area.
γ) [FUNC] + [RECORD] = Copy Pattern to Clipboard.
δ) [FUNC] + [NO] = Reloads Pattern from Temporary Area.
θ) [PATTERN] and RELOAD FROM PROJ. = Reloads the pattern to its Project Saved state (overwritting the temporary save).

So in practical terms:
This means that, on an empty slot you make a pattern and save it to Project (A), than you mess around with it and save the pattern (B), then you mess it even more and copy it ©. So now you actually can go back and forth from (B) to © with the possibility of improvising without loosing these two states, and furthermore, go back to the first state (A), but you will loose (B) keeping the ©!

This is actually a great performance tool.


Oh yeah, damn… you can use copy/paste as another (albeit a bit dodgy) temp repository for a pattern state!


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So the temp save stops being a temp once you reload the original save state?, meaning you have to do a func+ record to move backwards and forwards between the the two places, shame that the temp save gets overwriten, it would be even handier if all three remained selectable.

I think so, or at least I don´t know the shortcut to recover it after u reload from Project… anyone to confirm that?

The temp pattern (func yes) is overwritten when reloading the project.
But you do now have potential 4 states of any pattern.
Project saved version
Temp Saved version
Func copy version
Last state when changing away from the pattern

That’s a good lot of performance options.


looks so on the paper.
but wouldn´t you arrange your work anyway in that manner by copying (sligltly changed ) patterns to other slots ?
isn´t it more intuitive to perform on such base ?

the above save chart makes the DT look now complicated like the OT, vs. a more beginner freindly tool which i thought it should be.
while the DTs limitations never will make it to be something mature ( i look here mainly at the 72 locks limitation )

Yes, I’d think so. Given the limit of 127 samples, 8 banks of 16 patterns is WAY too many for distinct patterns. I’d prefer to think about it as 8 patterns, with 16 variation slots each.

However, you can’t save a pattern to another slot without there being an audible gap in the performance. If this were solved, the whole temp area thing could just go away.

Given one of the following commands:

  • Paste the copied pattern into a different pattern slot
    (in the manual this is given as [PTN] + Trig + [STOP], but it doesn’t work.)
  • Save the current playing pattern into a different pattern slot
    (I propose [PTN] + Trig + [YES], limiting to current bank, but that is okay)
  • Pattern menu > Save As command (not as fluid as the others)


  • A command to switch to a pattern immediately, but at the same location in the measure (which I realize is less clear for poly-meter patterns)
    (I propose [PTN] + Trig + [PLAY])

NOW you can make a pattern, and manage up to 15 variations of it live, easily, without have to conceptualize the somewhat squarely temp area.

Personally, I don’t buy the beginner vs. advanced dualism: It is possible to make this interface both clear, performable, and musically rich with possibilities.

yeah, i read your wish here several times (since i´m back here cause of the DT ) that we should be able to copy a pattern to another pattern slot while the machine is running in its original pattern.
VERY good wish ! subscribed !
in all the years with a OT did that one never occoured to me.
But then, i´m only playing alone at home in the studio so it never had that importance to me.

But i definitly think that this little detail would lift up the elektrons on another level.
(no, i don´t think i´m over expressing it )

also totally agree on the immediate pattern change while keeping its position in the beat.
also seeing the problem here. but this function could be limited by allowing it only at specific “beat settings” /no polyrythms, no ?

hehe, i agree.
it´s coming from elektron somehow. I was just riding it. :wink:
Since i have the DT in hand i must say:
its a total underestimation of the situation what they´ve donne.
They should build PRO Boxes with “That” Footprint. absolutely !
Small AND Pro ! WIN

( personally the 72 parameter limitation on the locks kicks the DT into the toy region for me.¨but thats then a whole other topic ( so leave this one please uncommented here everybody. there has to be a own thread on this at some point anyway ) )

I know this post is two years old, but just for the records I would like to mention that this is possible with [pattern]+trig+ [stop] (during 4 seconds), as you mention only that maybe it is not working for you because that last [stop] is actually a “paste” and paste is not working without “copying” the pattern before.

yes, that functionality was added in an OS release after my post. And it is true that you can do this without an gap…

…But introduces another minor problem: You can only do this when you are willing to let the current pattern just play out over 4 seconds as you hold the key combo down! Performing live I have an idea, so I want to quickly copy the pattern to some other place (so I have it to go back to), and then change whatever my idea was. With the current implementation, I’ve got to wait 4s.

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Woah, this is the first I’ve heard of that number. Can you point to a source? I’m not doubting you, I just want to research it on my own. Thank you in advance!

DT manual, pg. 34.