New OTO Mixer - Bébé Chérie

I find this mixer so much more desirable than the TX-6. The analog soft clipping, analog compressor, and analog eq/filters with OTO quality in a nice compact, but not too compact form factor looks so nice. I ended up selling a bunch of stuff and splurging on a Rossum 1200 preorder. This seems like the perfect mixer to pair with it for me.


I don’t get it. Seriously. Can anyone tell what’s exciting about this ?

It’s pink


I mean… the comment right above yours (thirty minutes before yours) laid out a few things that specific person was excited about including :

“The analog soft clipping, analog compressor, and analog eq/filters with OTO quality in a nice compact, but not too compact form factor looks so nice.”

so there’s that…


Unfortunately this was the only thing I really got.

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Ok. So let’s wait to hear how it sounds. Until then…

pink mixer

lets be honest here: music will speak for itself and mixer wont matter—cant even tell what mixer is used. but it sure looks nice for set ups

Looks alright though. I can overlook the shitty jacks if it sounds right. Because that’s a fair chunk of money for what is a pretty basic analogue mixer, so the quality of the EQ’s, saturation and compressor has to be bob on. No send/return is a bit shit.

Couldn’t give a fuck about the colour.


I’ve been specifically looking for a “high-quality” compact mixer, and there’s actually not much to choose from in this category. The SSL Six is slightly overkill for my needs, and there are things about its design that I’m not a huge fan of. The TX-6 is tiny, the FX are lackluster, the sound quality is ok, and it is overpriced.

There are DJ mixers that aren’t really designed for line level instruments and have RCA inputs. There are cheap sounding budget Mackie, Yamaha, Soundcraft, etc. mixers I have no interest in.

This mixer is built in France with quality components and designed to have the levels pushed to surely get some tasty sounds. I’ve owned OTO boxes in the past and have total faith in their taste. It’s a simple affordable mixer that is being released at the perfect time for me because I happened to be looking for something like this and it fits the bill for my needs.


Similar here. I sold my mixer when moving and want a compact alternative.

I’m pretty committed to getting a Bluebox but now this has popped up…


haven’t heard this (obviously) but I can speak for the Bim/Bam/Boum boxes being of fucking sexy sound quality levels. I have the expectation that, between their track record and use of quality components, this will be a nice sounding box.

Coming in at 625 euro, it’s a lot cheaper than things like Stimming’s IMC, TX-6, SSL gear, PlayDifferently models, etc.

also with the Alt output you can route any channel to an ext. effects chain and bring it in on a separate channel, so I think it’s capable of some basic send/return, which is nice and functional, maybe too limited for some, but certainly not bloated or difficult to use, so that’s a plus for me.


Yeah, I’ve got a Boum, sounds great.


Nothing. Ignore.


gotcha so the soft buttons assign channels to the alt out and you can send back the alt out into an empty channel, effectively becoming a send and return.

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Why does it matter?

If you’re not in the market for anything like this, nobody’s going to convince you you need something you can’t figure out a need for.

My interest is piqued because of the quality of components, features, form factor and price, there’s not a lot in the same class, even at reasonably higher prices.

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For me the most exciting aspect about this mixer is that it’s made by OTO. All their devices sound great and i bet the filter/eq, compressor and saturation will sound very nice.
It’s like the Boum. If you look at the specs it’s just a compressor with a filter and different drive settings. But the sound is kind of special and exactly what some people want to refine their music.


Is the Alt out stereo?



Wisdom. This should be pinned to the top of the forum.

I’m happy with my 1202VLZ4. It does what I need, paid half price for it used, and fixed the noisy jacks with some Deoxit. I’m pleased. Doesn’t mean you will be, though.

TX-6 is too rich for my blood at the moment, but if I need to do a lot of air travel again, my opinion could change. If it solves a problem you have and fits within your budget, I’m happy for you!

OTO Bébé Chérie: If I didn’t have the VLZ4, this could be a good option. Certainly closer to my budget than the TX-6, but also big enough that I wouldn’t want to travel with it. Seems like a fun mixer that a lot of people will enjoy.