New OTO Mixer - Bébé Chérie

I can at least get the “what’s the point” in some products, even if I don’t think I’d ever bother bumping a thread with it.

Via their FB posts, seems this will reach preorder stage Feb or March 23.

Plenty of time to sell off a few small things in the studio to make room.

Yeah, if I already had a base smaller mixer like that it’d be less tempting, but I have a 5u line mixer and a console that’s way too big, but not much I can take with me on travels or really from room to room even!


I agree, would prefer this over bluebox, and I might not even have bought a model 1 if this already existed back then. Might even sell my model 1 ;-). but lets see how this sounds when its out first.


Seems like it would be, all the jacks even the master out are on a stereo jacks.

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6 stereo channel on balanced inputs (via DSub) (+ rca + phono preamps), 2 stereo aux sends (plus a third via DSub), 2 stereo returns with dedicated drive, overdrive with saturation per channel, hp + lp filter + mid eq per channel, assignable master filters, master eq, immense headroom (yet no panning of channels or mono option unfortunately), main/alt/booth (with eq)/rec outs… altogether a very different kind of box for 4-5 times the price (and very different in size) I think.


Its pretty comparable to boutique rotary mixers in features though, as long as you aren’t looking to run a turntable into it.

But it is more affordable and has a built in compressor. For a boutique analog mixer I am really impressed by the price… although I suppose we will have to hear it but it is also pretty easy to have faith in the OTO guys.


Oh man what a good pairing. This and the OT sending 4 tracks out and controlling a little modular for some DAWLess bliss. Could be a classic mini setup.

OTO just makes such good gear I can’t help but get excited. If it was a more generic manufacturer, I’d be skeptical but OTO gets it when it comes to lofi and old school sounds.


Looking at the mute buttons on the pictures, I think there’s at least one additional function they have. You can see two buttons being unlit. Other white and then one is red. Wonder what that is :). Headphone cue? Clipping indicator?


The more I look at this the more I like it. The lack of fx send can be worked around by using the mute/Alt buss to route to an effect processor or modular in stereo and back in on one of the stereo channels as a return. Or using it to switch audio out to go into a DAW and back.

I think the EQ and layout choices are clever, and the simplicity should make it very performative for live or recording. The 1/8” TRS thing is kind of a bummer but I’m sure people with a bunch of Boutiques, Volcas or 1010 boxes will love it.

The question is how will it compete against the Model 12, Key Largo and others near that price point. It’ll come down to sound quality really.


Man I want this but I’m seriously poopoo about the 1/8” jacks. None of their other gear uses 1/8” jacks. I know it’s going to sound rad tho. So torn.

Also no touch screen or song mode, etc etc.


Maybe it’s for routing to both outs :exploding_head:

If it comes down to sound quality I am quite confident the OTO will destroy those mixers. OTO knows what they are doing and really have a keen focus on makng amazing sounding gear.

I like that you can route an effect to the AUX or just sum 4 already effected stereo busses into it, drive it like a race car and have a glued and driven mix.


That would be quite a challenge. Don’t know if you’ve ever had a Key Largo (or the KL-8 that I’ve heard is similar with more everything) but its overall sound and headroom are pretty incredible. But obviously no EQ, no soft clipping etc. Does come with high quality USB conversion, so… horses for courses as they say.


Yeah I heard the Key largo in the past and it was sweet but OTO is on a totally different vibe imo. They are all about vintage conversion, dirty analogue sounds and stuff like that.

This piece of gear will probably be much more of a vibe machine, like a Dude mixer on steroids I am guessing.


Nothing wrong with that! Even if it’s just a modern better-sounding BX it would be totally worth it.


Are we still talking about sexistic boy/girl color bullshit in 2022?

My boy likes his pink trousers as much as his blue ones. And the yellow ones. And the green and red and brown, and orange ones.

But keep telling the girls they should wear pink and skinny princess clothes and look somewhat sexy at the age of 2 and watch them grow up always trying but never reaching the body shape and style we expect. Never beeing that princess. Drive in cars with safety systems optimized for men, with disadvantages for women. Take medicine that is optimized for men, not for women. Swallowing pills not to get pregnant because pills for men were stopped developing because they were afraid of adverse effects.

Sorry, that I get political here. I forgot we’re in the 1950s. Girls, go wear pink and boys dark blue and we’re fine.



I’m worried about unions, marriages and relationships when your love ones will hear :

« Oh Bébé Chérie, I love you so much! »


If the BIM/BAM/BOUM are any indicator, this is going to have something special that makes you want to stay up all night playfully running everything through it. Have questions about it, gripes even, but it’s def a day one buy. Also, the color is beautiful ya’ll, think about how well that pink is going to match the sort of evergreen color of the existing boxes! It’s the most beautiful of all the pepto bismol colored mixers ever made.


Coming soon, the OTO Bébé Chérie is a 6-input stereo analogue mixer designed for dealing with mini-jack signals.

With its integrated master bus compressor and Bliss enhancer, it’s a great centerpiece for your electronic music production setup.

What makes the OTO Bébé Chérie different?

As you’d expect from the small Parisian designer, OTO machines, it’s certainly a niche piece of gear. However, that doesn’t mean it’s not versatile within its specific playing field.

For starters, channels 1 through 4 have switchable mono/stereo operating modes, 34 dB of gain with asymmetrical soft clipping, and tilt EQ controls.

The remaining two channels have gain selection switches to flip between 0 and +10 dB, while they also have two-band Baxandall EQ.

In addition, the master bus channel has a single knob compressor with a fixed 3:1 ratio, and a Bliss high-frequency enhancer for adding shimmer to the overall mix.

OTO Machines Bébé Chéri

Main control panel

OTO Machines Bébé Chéri rear view

Rear panel

On the rear panel, the terminals are labeled upside down for easy legibility from above, and there’s an alt output next to the main output that gives you more options for monitoring or using a separately processed submix.

Up top, you have the individually controlled headphones output and unique minimalist metering for the channels, master, and gain reduction level.

Internally, the Bébé Chérie has been designed with the utmost care using Audiophile film capacitorswithin the EQ section, THAT Corporation VCAs, and ALPS pots.

Pricing and availability:

  • The OTO Bébé Chérie will be available from the second quarter of 2023, priced at 625 € excl. VAT

Goddamned VAT, that’s a huge chunk of change in the enemy’s pocket… :rage:


And a pink Pulsar-23.