New generation of Poly AT (polyphonic aftertouch) keybeds

ADDED: February 18th

So what keybed is Arturia using ?

( post )

MORE ADDED : Watching the last 3 seconds of the video, this looks something new. This isn’t the way the Medeli or the Fatar keybeds have worked. Maybe they are doing something different with those, but I am really thinking they are either using the Expressive E keybed, or they’ve done their own, or there is a new third party keybed.

I could be wrong, it is such a short clip, but this seems better than the EE product. Something is up here.

Could someone please comment in this thread, i am three post limited here.


From December 2023 :

On the Yamaha MONTAGE M8x poly-aftertouch keybed and its feel.

So Scott of Scott’s Synth Stuff did a video ( a tour of Sweetwater ) where he tested the action of the Yamaha MONTAGE M8x with both weighted action and polyphonic-aftertouch.

Queued Video

Interestingly he absolutely glows in his reaction to that synths weighted keyboard feel !
Sounds like he likes his Hydrasynth more for the P-AT feel, but seeing the image of the key movement on the keyboard it looked like it had a good amount of movement.
My observation from this is that you could play this keyboard like a real piano action keyboard, without concern of activating the P-AT action, unless you really wanted it.

This may address some of your thoughts about the combination of the two features, chm_jacques.


cool after touch keyboards … a post for @Jukka :slight_smile: looking forward to the future

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I queued a link to the Youtube video showing the two modes for this keybed.
Polyphonic-aftertouch and “full touch”. I like having a front panel switch for this.

ADDED : And it looks like this video was just made private too. Good i downloaded a copy for myself.

There is definitely some play with the aftertouch press, but it seems much less ( “mush” ) than on the Expressive E keybed. Also the demonstrator did not show any X motion, commonly a per note pitch bend. Make of that what you will.

Thank you Affectionate-Bee.

Speaking of the new secret Arturia Peanut Butter product underway.

Given that Arturia have reportedly done their own ( channel aftertouch ) keybed, or had a new design keybed done for their new Astrolab product, it is believable, that this poly-aftertouch keybed is their own new technology as well. It certainly looks new from the video.

These two keybeds could even have been done off the same molds ( the expensive part of making a keybed ) with different sensing mechanisms used.

They indeed have on the new Polybrute 12 ( thread ) with the Arturia FullTouch keybed. Loopop explains it in his video which i have queued past the preliminaries here.

My opinion. They have gone beyond the Osmose keybed here, despite the lack of an X dimensional sensing.

The improvements with slow motion attacks, and the ability to choose between various keyboard sensing modes, and on the fly tweak those modes immediately are part of what i see as improved.

It’s hard to judge without first hand experience, but the feel looks better to me on the new Arturia keybed as well. Loopop seems to say this in his video too, and he is certainly very complementary of this keybed specifically.

I also agree when he suggests/asks Arturia for a controller with this keybed, and the front panel key action controls.

My thought is perhaps offering that controller with MIDI 2.0 might improve this further over MPE, specifically with envelope control etc.

( Have hit the three post limit here. )

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Thank you, @Jukka, and now you can post three times again. :slightly_smiling_face:

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The Arturia FullTouch keybed looks amazing from the review videos so far and much less fiddly than the Osmose seems. Was tempted by the Osmose or just another poly aftertouch keyboard like the Native Instruments or Korg ones (neither seem perfect). Think I might wait a year and see if they release this as a controller only version. I think they’d be silly not to as considering how many Keysteps you see everywhere I can imagine this becoming a standard.