New FADERFOX MIDI controller system for ELEKTRON devices (12-track-design for ANALOG RYTM)

But the PC12 has encoders with a fixed value, not endless encoders, so a CC dump from the OT wouldn’t do anything I guess? I would think that the CC dump would be used to set the value of the endless encoders.

Or am I misunderstandig something here?

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How would you go about sending a CC61 message. Could that be done f.x. with a button on the MX12?

There is a catch function…
For exemple : PC12 encoder is at 22, octa dumps its value @56.
You move the encoder and it doesn’t send anything until it crosses catch value, then it starts sending new values…

Never seen a midi controller with potentiometers, that has a catch function over midi parameter feedback.
That’s really cool! Does it work well?

Yeah, just use a button or push function of an encoder to send cc61.

I don’t know tbh, I’m waiting for it to arrive. I just red the manual for now. Maybe I’ll have some bad surprise, who knows ? But I’m pretty confident I will manage something with the bome box just in case. Compare midi dump to button pos and then send increment or decrement of 1 depending on result compared to 64 ( mid value ). Absolute to relative ftw. :ok_hand:

My novation peak also had catch values on potentiometers, was very handy ! Saved a lot of headache.

Sure, lots of synths with pots and/or faders have a catch/pickup/snap mode.
Never seen it on a midi controller, though.

I just checked, even the smaller Faderfox PC4 has snap mode.
I prefer the feeling of potentiometers, especially for some wild tweaking and the PC4 fits perfectly next to an OT…

Editing on a midi controller with endless encoders always feels like operating a vending machine.

Hi all,

Can anyone give me help with the MX12/PC12?

I have connected the Analog Rytm MKII and Analog 4 MKII exactly how it shows in the picture below.

I have the MX12 set to template 21 (Rytm) and the PC12 set to template 22
Iv’e also set the midi channels as suggested in the picture, AR channels 1-12 and then A4 channels 13-16

My problem is that my A4 track 1 is coming the the MX12 on channel 9 for some reason but I can’t control the volume/slider of the A4 tracks 2,3 and 4 for some reason which baffles me Iv’e been on 10 hours now, not sure if I have everything setup right in the Elektrons although the MX12 is controlling the AR just fine.

My thinking was to use the MX12 as a mixer for my AR and use the PC12 for freely assigning AR and A4 parameters.

Anyone know exact setting I need on both my Elektrons please OR do I need to lose 4 channels on the MX12 in order to accommodate tracks 1-4 from the A4?


Hi there,
I don’t know if I can ask a help here… Please let me know where drop it if not the good place.

I own the MX12 NEW MODULE as a controller for the octatrack mk2.

I have a MIDI ‘misconfiguration’ sync & transport problem with the mx12.
Computer > OT sync well, transport well
MX12 > OT Faders and knobs all configured well, values changing on OT
Computer > MX12 > no sync, no transport

Can anyone can tell me a hint on what is happening here ?

MX12 Firmware update 1.04
MX12 Routing [1,1,n,n]
MX12 in1: Computer
MX12 in2:nothing
MX12 out1:OctaTrack
MX12 out2:nothing

Hello hello !!
Just bough and received this little nicey box ^^
Anyone with this config (Octatrack MKII / Analog Four MKII for me)?
Maybe we can share some tips for a better workflow?
For now I chose preset 22, plugged everything right I guess.
But I used to put OT in master for transport, clock and prog changes.
Not I am a little lost…
I can’t use a free midi channel as theres no free channel now for auto in prog ch as all are use by MX12, same for AUTO ch in MIDI config in OT.
I am stuck here.
Any point of view of your use of MX12 is more than welcome ))
Thanks in advance !!

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you have to route the system realtime commands separately:

  • go in setup mode and press green button 2 > routing
  • pressing the blue button > all display dots are lit
  • program same routing here (for instance 11nn)
    that’s it

For those using Faderfox midi controllers with their Octatrack do you know if you can send multiple notes with the same button press so that you can have one button do : CUE TRACK 1 + UNCUE TRACK2 + ARM TRACK 1 simultaneously.

Or do you know any other midi controllers than can do this?

Thanks, Tom

@faderfox hey Mathias! I just wanted to confirm that with the AR or A4 there is no way to use the SNAP function, right? As they don’t output feedback data to the PC12 I will always have to manually move all the pots to the correct position if I change my KIT on the machines, or projects, etc., correct?

And that for the Octatrack the SNAP function works as intended because it can output feedback data, also correct?



I’m seriously looking at selling off some infrequently used gear (fx pedals, Eurorack module) to save up for a PC12 or MX12.

I’ve tried lots of setup changes last year but everything revolves back around the Rytm, so I’d rather keep focusing on that one and make it shine.

Any current experiences of people here, in choosing between the PC/MX? Or are they all boxed up again after not getting them into your setup workflow?

I’m leaning towards the PC12. Even though the faders of the MX appeal to me very much, I feel like I will knob-twiddle more creatively if I have the extra pots of the PC12 - just having some extra parameters like filter Frequency, Q, and envelope mapped, in my experience I tend to find more unexpected sounds.

PS no need to discuss at length the inability to match/snap pot values on the Rytm, I know it can’t do the “send values” thing that OT does. I don’t mind too much, in most cases I’m fine with adjusting pots during mute states etc.

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I have the MX12 connected to my Octatrack (FF 1-8) and Digitone Keys (FF 9-12). It’s pretty amazing but took FOREVER to get it to do exactly what I wanted it to do. That’s mostly my fault for not reading the manual SLOWLY and having a very specific setup (eg, I’m also using a Launchpad Pro MKIII with this setup), but I do wish there were more examples online on how to connect to multiple synths or a MIDI hub. It’s a keeper though. The faders are super smooth, have never had any failures with the software, looks great. I found a pretty good used discounted one CL. I don’t know anything about the the RYTM though.

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I’ve already got one by now:) Since a week or two.

It works perfect, and was fairly easy to set up for my straightforward needs. But the manual is really meager indeed. Doesn’t even come with an English manual, only got a German one.

They could really benefit from a couple of simple setup videos on YouTube or something. The two-button combo press to get into the settings also isn’t that intuitive. But once you’ve figured it out it’s fairly easy.

What’s your specific use / challenge? Getting to merge the Novation controller into the Faderfox, or?

By the way, in case people in the future are doubting wether pots for track levels are fine, instead of faders (so PC12 instead of MX12), I’l went with the PC12 and I’ve found that the pots quickly feel fine for me for track levels too.

i’d have picked up a pc12 a while ago, but the side mounted ports make me sing C and C Music Factory’s “Things That Make You Go Hmmmmmmm”

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So how is everyone liking the PC12 with their elektrons and other gear? Seriously considering grabbing one to map the digitone, Rytm, and A4 simultaneously. Was the initial setup difficult, and was it worth it for you? Thanks for your input!

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Lol. Yeah, I question that too but it makes sense when it’s sitting next to my Octatrack vertically. I wanted to get a case triple stand for the MX12, OT and MD but would have to drill holes in the side for the connections for most I’ve seen.

i’d wanna rack it. Or those buchla style cases
i have a uc4, and luv it for mobile work (more than the ec4…by far)