New Elektron Box 2016

Well, if things are running behind for Elektron maybe they can whip up another teaser with a bit more revealed… Keep us nice and fed :wink:


so, that was it?
impatience killed speculation.
game over…

to re-spark it a bit, even though its not a studio item, I would wish for a tg77/fs1r with elektron usability

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Video killed the radio star.

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I am getting 2 siamese cats instead of the new Elektron machine :smile_cat:


Just spent my money. couldnt wait any longer. Maybe next year.

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aren’t these “I just spent my money” remarks passive aggressive and mostly pointless? I mean, good for you, I’m sure elektron inc is in pieces over their loss, but if there was no teaser at all you’d have spent the dough just the same. sometimes I think people like to express anger, just for the sake of it


Im not too angry, I bought another elektron so they got my money in the end :slight_smile:



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How else is Elektron to know how ineffective the tease is? What is the purpose? To inform us of the device?

It doesn’t seem that has been accomplished. Is the purpose to entice us?

People spending their seasonal/yearly budget on other things instead seems to imply the opposite. Was the purpose to annoy a loyal, supportive fan base?

Probably not, but that seems to be the biggest accomplishment of this tease so far.

Who cares how pointless unimportant comments left by us are? A bigger concern should be the point of this tease.


I guess their target is a holiday season later this year. That thing is probably half baked right now, that’s why the teaser is what it is.


Yeah. Inopportune timeframe. My excitement and curiosity is starting to run out of steam. Respark the flame, Elektron. Give me something else that says next to nothing!

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To be honest, even if im a big Elektron fanboy (own 4 Elektron box) i’ve learn that it take them at least a year after release to get a OS in a finished state. I dont think we gonna see something ready soon … maybe im wrong but looks like my money is going to … (maybe) Behringer :sunny:


I just impulsively bought this Dreadbox Epsilon:

So now I’m definitely past my budget. I’m loling at how Elektron’s tease campaign succeeded at peaking my interest in outboard analog effects, and caused me to buy a spring reverb, 12-bit reverb & delay, transformer-based overdrive, and this filter-envelope-distortion. Definitely not buying whatever Elektron manages to cook up now because it’s game over no more $ time.


The new box is empty so you can fill it with what you want therefore becoming exactly what you wanted. Genius.


And that is the most poignant statement in the thread so far. I was fortunate to buy the Rytm a few weeks before the Trig/machine update. Without them I would’ve probably returned the unit as I was becoming disillusioned by the lack of synthesis options. I saw the giant “more machines” threads and assumed they were on the way so I took the plunge…and couldn’t be happier :slight_smile:

It does appear that manufacturers expect consumers to buy unfinished products these days and Elektron is absolutely no different.

Regardless of how bad ass this new product is, I won’t touch it until the kinks are ironed out and they start showing up on ebay at a 25 - 30% off (I see RYTM’s on there now for $1050). That usually seems to happen shortly after the 1 year mark.


So we’re all agreed, when we hit 1500 posts it will be revealed yeah?!

yes but what if the new product promises an afterlife of 100 virgin deadmau5es? then you’ll be sorry!


Hector from the Octatrack teaser is back in the :3lektron:newbox teaser