NAMM 2024 -- (January 25 - 28)

Casio Dimension Tripper

One of those why didn’t i think of that ?

A guitar pedal ( or maybe keytar ? ) that you change moving the guitar on the strap. So there are two parts the pedal controller hooked to your target pedal effect, and the actuator on your guitar strap.

Currently being crowdfunded in Japan.

Casio link


It’s like a digital hipshot!

I think we often forget that humans can forget how to do stuff. I watched a great documentary years ago (wish I could find it again) about how we’ve lost a lot of the know-how for tube technology. Once we moved on from tubes, all the old paper documents from R&D, manufacturing, and quality control were destroyed along with the factories. I think it’s awesome if cool tech know-how can be preserved like this and handed down. We are probably in danger of losing a lot of tape know-how now.


Another video clip of the Dimension a musical performance.

It seems very natural in performance.


I see someone ripped off my posts. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I must have done something right.


Oh wow

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I have my doubts. It looks wiggly except when she pulls the neck close to the guitar’s body. Handling a foot expression pedal while standing can be sometimes challenging depending on the pedal’s position but it definitely provides more control.


Thought about that, and am confident with the tension adjustment on the DT and getting the strap right, that there will be little to no problem. I’d rather be able to walk away from the pedal board and just play.

I did notice a difference when gripping near the body of the guitar or farther out on the neck, which to me has to do with the balance of the guitar. She was able to make that transition quickly.

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It does not look like the game-changing replacement of the foot expression pedal but it might work for some musicians. Maybe someone will one day come up with a polyAT guitar neck :cool:

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Pretty sure my Strat already has that!


and can you use this for effects expression? :wink:

Not me. But Jeff Beck totally could!

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The big thing I got out of this NAMM is that I still want to get a Wavestate at one point. I’ve got a GAS backlog :stuck_out_tongue:


c’mon Casio, give us what we want. a new SK keyboard sampler. they could crowdfund that in less than 24hrs.


All guitars have poly AT and it’s mapped to string pitch :slight_smile: you can modulate the AT for vibrato. But yes… I want what you’re talking about.


Behringer hashtagged their CZ-1 Mini status update with #NAMM2024.

A lot of what Casio promoted at the show was a new Celviano digital piano with an immersive spatial sound system.


Now if Korg or B could get me an updated M1. I’ve got the pluggin, but I’d love to get those classic rave stabs on an updated, and easy to edit modern layout.



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Where the f&%# is the unofficial OT mkIII from ASM is what I want to know…


News from the show :

Waldorf has changed their distributor in the USA, from Korg to American Music & Sound.

Also coming both the Iridium and the Quantum.will support MIDI 2.0 ! This was from a talk on Sunday with Rolf Wohrmann.

The Waldorf website says this :
Jan 28 (Sunday), 11 am PST: Waldorf Iridium & Quantum Updates with MIDI 2.0

Hopefully there is a video of this with more details somewhere.

We’ll see what change the change in distributor may have.