NAMM 2019 predictions / releases

Don’t tease!

Yes, it was a troll post/'shop.

As far as live music goes, traditional/folk and Church bands buy a FUCKTON of equipment worldwide. Accordions will always be a desirable product.

I’m excited by a SE code in boutique form, with all the scale of industry Roland can offer (as in, boutique craft at mass market price point!)

TE OP 1/Z might happen for me in 2019 - for travel/portability (hipster beach supply, in my case: grey man wants to stay cool tools … :rofl:).

Whatever happens in NAMM, I am sticking with Elektron + Moog for hardware electronic music machines. Just making it easy for myself. No dwelling around, only those 2 or nothing. Done.


Pretty much my opinion as well.

Setting artificial limits on yourself can definitely be a good thing with so much gear out there.

For me, I’ve decided that I will only keep stuff in my studio that (1) actually gets used regularly (no theoretical keeping something “just in case I need to do x” scenarios), (2) inspires me to want to interact with it, and (3) looks good (it sounds superficial but in a small urban space that I share with my wife, my gear has to double as “art”).

I’m moving more and more toward the Dieter Rams mantra of “Less but better”.

(Less also has the advantages of fewer cables, power bricks, and dust. Also, there’s only so much time in the day to use stuff).


I predict hordes of bearded guys complaining about lack of individual outputs, large screens and ability to customise the gear on the level of a lego millennium falcon.



Eventually… :sunglasses:


They need to make an updated keyboard to replace my Advance. Either that or I’m getting the SL MkIII, I’ll probably get the SL, that thing does everything. Would you really want to see another MPD? I guess it wouldn’t be bad if it had a ton more features. What I want from Akai the most is a sampler/sequencer/analog drum machine. I just ignore the Rhythm Wolf and Tom Cat.

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This sums up how I feel about the small gear trend to the T. Heard new volcas were announced, I couldn’t care less. And those are actually not so bad size wise. Just don’t like the idea of having limited functionality in a small box form, in which forces me to buy additional small boxes to compliment them. Then I have a studio overrun with 20 little units all Daisy chained running on batteries. No thanks. Give me 3/4 solid pieces of gear that work well together. Not to say volcas or pocket operators are not “solid” gear to someone else, I just can’t get much done with them. Just my take on it.

I agree that the DT and DN are great size for portability, but not too small to where it’s a difficult work flow. I’ll keep my pocket operator for a fun toy to play around with and give to my daughter when she’s a bit older.


Same, got my PO, played with it for a week then ended up sampling all the sounds. After that I never used it again and it actually broke for not using it at all. The boutiques are nice but I hate that its not analog and its only 4 voices max. I find these small boxes to be fun but when im in my home with all my other gear sitting there, the small ones just sit around.

My last ‘small’ gear was the op-1, great device but again, when I have my DAW and other synths/samplers sitting on my desk I didnt really think about the op-1.


I was gassing for the SH01-A for awhile, but just didn’t know if it would get much use being such a small form factor. I opted for a Novation Bass Station II instead, which I’ve heard can do Roland style bass very well and can do squelchy 303 stuff decent.

It’s actually killing me right now as the BSII is postponed until Xmas. Only jammed it for like 5 minutes and the wife said, nope, it’s a gift. Here it sits waiting… The torment


This is exactly what I wish they’d made. X is too big, Live lacks dedicated buttons and Qlinks.


nice! bass station 2 is phat and the keybed is so good. Its tempting since its not wrapped haha.

I had the Ju-06 for a while because Ive always wanted a Juno but the 4 voice max killed it for me, the form factor is ok on the Ju-06 since it doesnt knobs or many faders but I heard its bad on the JX-03.

Also thought about the SH01 but then I heard Behringer is working on a Sh101 clone so im just waiting for that as my next gear.


Beaded, like, beads in their beards? That’d be cool I guess. :rofl:

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Can I get a song generator synth with randomize everything functionality. And a drum machine built in.

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How about a Machinedrum MK 3 UW with conditional trigs, poly rhythm, step nudge, an analog filter pulled from the heat, LED screen, dual vco, all while retaining it’s 12 bit sampling capability, CTR-AL, and song mode.

Call it the “MachineDigiRytm”


Bring on the MnM mk3 also


I hope WifiTakt is coming from Elektron. Wireless midi + wireless transfer + 2 LFOs per track :slight_smile:

A guy on a Facebook group claimed to have seen the Volca Modular at the Korg US offices last week.

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DigiMach 3:

Edit: if we’re going to dream the dream.

8 tracks Machinedrum machines(including the MID/CTR Machines
8 tracks MnM(including Fx machines)

All of it jampacked in one tiny device.

Make it look like a Digi Machine, but silver


and with tubes like EMX1 :smiley: