Mystics: 432 Hz vs 528 Hz vs 440 Hz

I happen to love mathematics.

So in the spirit of sharing a credible source of wonderful videos on many aspects of math, I offer this:

3Blue1Brown youtube channel:

I loved this one on Taylor Series… an extension of a vid on Fourier Series (very relevant to DSP synthesis).

And this on an unusual numerical pattern…


I prefer 420… :rofl:
I always make sure I’m set at 420 before I play music… It sounds a lot better, I can just feel it more, and really get into the groove… Way mystical…


I don’t know what this is topic is all about, I’m guessing it’s about the pineal gland frequency activation?? :thinking:

Yep, there like way totally calcified with floride…

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If anyone actually cares this link debunks most of this 432 nonsense…

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Hi! Sorry for my English)
For people who say that there is no sense in 432hz.

1 year (31536000 seconds).

The frequency of the rotation of Earth around Sun
1 : 31536000 seconds = 0.000000031709792 Hz
(Hz = Hertz = cycle per second)

This frequency multiple doubled into the audible range:
0.000000031709792 Hz x 232 = 136.1 Hz
(232 means 32-fold doubling).

136.1 Hz is almost C# (A 440) . So if we tune our C# to 136.1 Hz our A will become (guess what?) 432.1 Hz!

So with that tuning, we can be in more resonance with frequencies of our solar system.
What sense of this? For example, life on our planet appeared thanks to these cosmic cycles.

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Dude, I‘m in. Let‘s tune in!

Who or what can feel such a low frequency?
Nowadays we should tune to WIFI or 3,4,5G frequencies! :smile:

Tune your gear however you like.
Just mind you don’t accidentally summon Cthulhu from his eternal slumber, driving all who hear his call to madness and enslavement. That would put a bit of a dampener on things.


complete bunkum

as is any attempt to derive musical significance from arbitrary definitions

numbers are fun and can be significant in life cycles (e.g. cicada primes), but this 432 nonsense is not even remotely worthy of being labelled psuedo-science - it’s wishy-washy anti-science and really rather foolish (like astrology) - that’s not to say people can’t derive their own meaning and comfort from it, but please don’t kid yourself that there is (or could ever be) any plausible scientific justification - there isn’t, it’s an absurdity - to explain why would be no more rewarding than to explain the error in their thinking to a flat-earther

there’s nothing wrong in this being significant to anyone, but don’t try to pass it off as scientific or musically profound or useful


I want to play in resonance with Earth rotation around the Sun to increase its amplitude and displace Earth orbit more closely to Mars(or even further). So we don’t need a space ship for space travel.
No esotericism or astrology just pure physics. :crazy_face:

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Top trolling.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

I dunno, I reckon a dose of Ancient One chaos would be a good giggle right now. Certainly better fodder for the media than Twump and C19.

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If I was to ever join a cult, it would be the cult of Cthulhu.

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Damn straight. Set the controls for the heart of R’lyeh…


I personally think that 1 Hz would be the best tuning, as the universe is one.


I hear Snoop Dogg tunes all his gear to 420.


This year is bissextile, different tuning?


This year is bissextile, different tuning?

Frequency of rotating Earth around Sun is static. So no need to change tuning.

bissextile year - every fourth year in which February is one day longer than usual. This extra day was introduced in order to compensate for the discrepancy between the movement of the Sun and the calendar.

You’re not trolling, are you.