My 5th octatrack

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I agree. Time can also be harder to find than money at some point in life.

Had ages of time in my teens and twenties, even early 30’s. But little (no) cash for gear.

I can buy gear now (but I am on hold for big expenses, no need/greed). Mastering or fully using one or more complex boxes will be difficult time wise.

Edit: Want to add that I don’t regret spending more time with my wife and kids than with my gear, it was just a functional statement not an emotional. :balance_scale::golfing_man:


That’s fair enough. If time was an issue for me (luckily it is not) I would focus on a few things that I would find are much more simple and intuitive to use and just focus on them.

The OT is a box that needs good memory and/or the user to be engaged with it on a regular basis.
In this day and age its nothing “special” though. A computer with some good software and a controller, literally runs circles around it both in terms of sound and functionality and does not require nearly the same dedication or has the steep learning curve.

So it all comes down to whether one finds pleasure in just getting on with making music, in whatever level that maybe, or if they get their kicks from the sheer satisfaction of having found a way to get over another hurdle that the Elektron devs, put inside the OT…ok I am exaggerating with the hurdle bit, its not that complicated, but yeah, it demands time, but at the end of the day, its just another tool for making music…and the last thing we are lacking nowdays, is tools to make music.