Music (for babies) to fall asleep to

Agreed, Erik Satie’s Gymnopédies is the classic

i’ve personally never been able to fall asleep to music, it commands too much of my attention

i can fall asleep to things like insect sounds and stuff like that tho (thanks Google)

Love this, and From Sleep, thanks.

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By Akira Kosemura? Love this, thanks

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Yes I use a really good app called Tinnitus Play - really good, you can mix different levels of different environmental sounds, white noise, binaural etc to make your perfect balance - our newborn loves it (as do I) but toddler seems to prefer music now. It’s made to treat tinnitus, but good for babies too.

Would love to but sold all my gear when our first baby was born 2 years ago… needed the money and wanted to spend my time with my kids.

Our son had good sleep times with listening to Nils Frahm - Wintermusik. Try it,

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Yeah! :relaxed:

Get Gnaural and make your own, it is designed for brainwave entrainment but you can create soothing womb like sounds or whatever as well.

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@_aPul :pleading_face::sob:

He has listened to Billie Marten - Feeding Seahorses By The Sea over and over every night for the last year. It is the only failsafe… but now he’s getting bored of it.

What about a drum-less Jeff Mills?

That looks like fun. Ta for the recommendation.

Yes it is pretty good for making all sorts of sounds, one of those under the radar applications for sure.

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That would be the end of me :flushed: Actually, I was thinking of selling my kids so I could spend more time with my music equipment. (Toddler decided he was going to party from 2:00 - 4:00am this morning to help me with that decision)

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sumie (sister of one of the knife-singers), she made an album with nils frahm containing songs songs she sung for her child to fall asleep. ( i love it, also my children do.

I forgot! The Yo La Tengo, The Sounds of the Sounds of Science OST has some pretty nice relaxing tracks for any ambient leaning playlist. Miss that stuff!!

Here is a story about about a baby that would only sleep to Metallica

When Mason was little, he cried constantly. He was experiencing a lot of discomfort, his father said. Richard McDeid tried everything to calm down his son. He even played music — from classical to New Age. Nothing worked. Finally, the frustrated father decided to play something he liked: Metallica.

To his surprise, Mason liked it, too. He stopped crying and started to fall asleep. And with that, a metalhead was born.

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