MPC Thread : MPC Live - MPC X - MPC One (Part 1)

Pulled the MPC out from the studio and onto the dining table for my son and I to jam a little for fun. We made Lambada just for laughs and to annoy his mommy, but then I sat for another hour myself and created a new beat. It’s funny how a small thing like just having it there on the table (vs hidden in the studio) makes you want to use it more.

Anyway, just wanted to share my enthusiasm over the randomization feature in drum programs because they’re so useful. On the fourth Sample sub page of Program Edit, you have access to lots of parameters that can be randomized during playback, such as panning, pitch, amplitude, attack, decay etc. It can really change up a simple hi hat and/or shaker rhythm quite a bit, making it feel much more alive and dynamic. You can randomize these things per pad and even per pad layer, throughout the entire drum kit if you want.

In less than an hour, I was able to get a really cool drum beat going, along with a thick pad and a bassline and a really time stretched dark effect pumping in the background using Mother Ducker. It’s already sounding like a proper song and I haven’t even started to think about where I’ll take it, but it already makes it hard to sit still on the chair. That’s typically a good sign. :blush:

This is the kind of thing I love about the MPC: it’s so quick to go from a simple idea to something that starts to sound good “for real”. On the MC-101, I feel it stays in the “could sound good if done right” territory, but actually doing it right is so hard. And, to anyone following my other GAS thread, these kinds of things (randomization) is just not easy to do in Reason 10. I know now how I’d do it, but it would involve lots of virtual wiring and automation lanes, whereas on the MPC, these things are just built right into the pad/sample settings.


I just realized something else about the MPC. Perhaps this was known to others already, but this made me excited: there is rudimentary probability functionality on samples in drum programs!

It’s not as sophisticated as the probability feature on Elektrons, but you can definitely set the probability of a note/hit playing at 25%, 33%, 50%, 67% and 75%. The way to achieve this is by utilizing the sample Layers on a pad. Each pad has up to 4 layers, and each can have its own sample.

For example, to set a 67% note probability, add the (same) sample to Layer 1, 2 and 3, and then on the Sample sub page, dial Level down to 0 for one of them. Then on the first page of Program Edit, set the layer playback to random. This means it will pick which layer to play randomly. In this case, there’s a 1/3 chance it will play the layer that will be silent.

You can even use this for more sophisticated probability: instead of just setting on of the layers to silence, you could set it to another sample, or even set different samples for every layers. There are so many possibilities with this feature!


I was about to ask if you knew how to do this when you mentioned the random function page.

Another good trick is to duplicate bank A to B of a kit and set B for the randomness, this way you can maintain having a 100% pattern on A and supplement it with random triggers within the same program.

Akai don’t give much information as to the width/depth available on the page 4 random functions, but it seems geared towards drums and subtle pitch changes.
I like it on basses too, in combo with randomising the cutoff freq.


No, I had one for a few months. Even with JJOS I found it daunting.

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Couple of ridiculous questions:

How do I delete a single sample from memory?

How can I rename a (loaded) sample?

Edit: doh…seems you can only do it on the Trim tab and not the Chop tab… as you were

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Sounds like you figured out the second question. Just in case you didn’t also figure out question one, it’s the Trash can icon on the same Sample Edit page (Trim, not Chop mode).

You can also purge/delete any unused/unassigned samples quickly by pressing Main, then tap the little CPU icon on the top right and then Purge > Unused Samples. Note that if a sample is assigned to a program, even though the sound is never used in the song, it won’t be purged. It has to be unassigned to all programs to be a candidate for remobal using “Unused Samples”.


Yeah, thanks, I did :slight_smile:

I did know about the Purge function but I was in the middle of a sampling/chopping session and after saving a bunch of unedited samples to disk I was loading them back in to pick through them, saving as new smaller samples as I went and then it started to get a bit out of hand with long samples that were loaded but not used and then loading in new samples (with the same sort of name) started to give me naming conflicts so they wouldn’ t load. Like say I had ‘Funk Drums 1’ and made new samples from the chops it seemed to auto rename the chops as ‘Funk Drums 2’ and ‘Funk Drums 3’ etc. but I already had other samples on disk with those names so when I tried to load them to chop them it wouldn’t let me.

Not sure why I rambled on like that but I guess someone else might have the same issue at some point :rofl:

TL;DR I’m still fairly new to the MPC world and trying to figure out workflow for stuff. I’m (secretly) doing the latest Hip Hop Beat Challenge as I learn better with a goal rathr than endless tutorials.


Don’t hesitate to ask more questions about workflow etc. I’m sure there are many people benefiting from passively participating in the discussion.


Who makes the best MPC Live tutorial videos? I’m not talking about beginners level but ones that have a the slick tricks and smooth workflows? I feel I can competently use the machine but always feel like I’m missing something.

Another question that came up yesterday: say I already had a Program (Drum) that had some some samples assigned and then I loaded a new long sample and made a few slices in it then wanted to assign those slices to the existing Program BUT wanted to do it destructively (truncate the new slices into individual new samples) so that I could delete the original long sample they came from. The only way I could see to do that was to destructively Convert the slices to new samples but untick the Create Program option then edit the existing Program and add the new samples to the pads one by one. I guess there’s no “automatic” way to do that? Or maybe if I had that process create a new Program can you “merge” two programs together?



Anyone had this happen?I sampled a long stem into my X,put on pad and then triggered the pad (while still in sampling screen!!) and the X just rebooted!!! I guess every complex machine has its quirks but…….

Yeah, Tubedigga has great knowledge and covers a few different genres (tutorials can be a little slow at times though…).
Earlier videos from Lifted Noise or Marlow Diggs can be good for specific topics too

Another vote for tubedigga.

Right, I’m back from holiday late tonight and have a One arriving tomorrow. Just shy of 10,000 posts in this thread to read and then I’ll have distilled the 'naut perspective on it :wink:


Congrats! There’s lots of knowledge in this thread, but don’t hesitate to ask any questions you may have.


Try the Merge Programs feature. (Main > Drum program > pencil icon > Merge Programs)

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Noooooo! I must’ve seen that screen a thousand times and never noticed that! Thank you :+1:t2:

I think I might get to play an MPC Keys today folks. :wave::sunglasses:

I’ll take some photos and give some feedback.

If anyone wants to know anything specific, let me know.


Nice one, enjoy! I’m mainly just curious about the next MPC Live OS update tbh…