Moving to Australia

Good luck with the move!

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Do toilets really flush backwards there? Please compare and report once you get settled.

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Yep, dont press that button. All the shit n piss comes flying out at ya…


Yeah nice, I hope the trip all goes smoothly.

I do not know what it is but I always reach for my jumper when it drops below like 20c/68f here. I have friends from very cold places and they also agree it can feel cold for some reason. Who knows.

Sydney is a funny place, a lot of beauty and character in places, I think at some stage I’d like to move further north where its warmer and a bit more chill. Nowhere is perfect and you could do a lot worse than syd i reckon.

One of the best things about Sydney is the food. A real melting pot of cultures (no pun intended) and you can get cuisine from so many different countries and its top notch notch, a definite strength of Western Sydney in particular. Anything from South & South East Asia or around the Mediterranean you can find here and it will be as good as if you were there. Just don’t expect good Mexican.

before I’d move to Australia the bugs would have to move out of Australia…

but damn do they have some talent over there… there’s definitely something in the water

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I’ve never noticed the toilet flushing in any particular direction. It always just comes out of the sides of the rim and kinda rolls forward or something? Then again, our toilets aren’t filled to the brim like I’ve heard American toilets are (and strangely, the ones at Narita airport but nowhere else I went in Japan).. so maybe I should be looking at water flowing down a drain instead of down the toilet.

In the southern hemisphere water circles down the drain in the opposite direction to the northern hemisphere.

Amazing… Elektronauts from Ballina! We always had the competition as kids in the car of the first one to see the Big Prawn got lunch first. I remember looking out the eyes too!

Next time you flush, watch it all the way down. Does it swirl clockwise or counterclockwise? I’m talking angular momentum here, not the anti-gravity @Microtribe warns of.

Are you kidding? Everything is upside down dude… takes some getting used to. The amount of gaffer tape I go through just to keep my synths on the desk…

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Also USA Grill = BBQ and Broiler = Grill.

BBQ is good here, you wont want to want to leave the house after you get one.

Unless you need bbq supplies. For which you can go to Bunnings on the weekend and get a snag while you’re there.

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I’m not a true ballinese, I’ve only been here a little while. I’m jealous, I’d love to get into the prawn.


Hit me up… I’m more central (Redfern) but my girlfriends parents live out west. @Rusty yes Aussie wigglers is the group you need to join.


We made to Australia. Currently in quarantine for 2 weeks, but we’re here.

Is there any equivalent to Sweetwater I can order gear online, or what’s the “Guitar Center” here?
I need a couple of mic stands.


StoreDJ is normally my go to, great service!

Or found sound for modular :slight_smile:


Not really anything of that scale here.

Storedj/Mannys (same business, two names, no idea why) are good for synth stuff. They carry mic stands too.

You can find bargains at for certain items. Ive been using their audio cables for a while, no problems, high quality just no fancy brand name. Might be a good option for mic stands.

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As mentioned, StoreDJ/Mannys is alright. But I like these guys:

They’ve always treated me well, especially in the midst of my Eurorack buying frenzy :stuck_out_tongue: their prices are sometimes a bit more than the bigger outlets, but they’re a solid bunch of people who know their shit, and have a workshop onsite, so any second hand gear will be well-maintained.


if you are looking to buy some vinyls or want to dig into Sydney techno scene, go to Something Else Recordstore (and give Dave Stuart a hug from me).

ah man, makes me getting wanderlust. Had such good times traveling Australia and still feel connected to my friends over there.

Good luck for your new chapter!