Most disconcerting (non-violent) films you've seen?



The pawnbroker with Rod Steiger & Seconds with Rock Hudson, both have devastating endings. Then there’s Silent Running, that has you rooting for the sociopath.


Idioterne/The Idiots (1998)


Todd Haynes - Safe (1995)


This thread is reminding me that i have all Neil Breen filmography yet to enjoy.

Never Let Me Go
Pretty devastating for me.
Maybe even more traumatic than watership down o_0
Unusually, I think its better than the book.


He’s an absolutely fearless director.
Him, Ari Aster and Darren Aranofsky are some of my favourites.
I’d list “Mother!” here but that’s neither non-violent or merely disconcerting :slight_smile:

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Watched it in german television late at night without knowing what I was going into. I’m still thinking about that movie from time to time although a good twenty years passed by.

Came to say ‘I’m Thinking Of Ending Things’, so I’ll join the little choir. Might be my favourite movie ever? And I might never watch it again. Strange, but true.

Valerie’s Week of Wonders perhaps. No taboo left unturned lol.



Requiem for a dream - horrifying but nonetheless amazing.

I would rate that scene as “extremely violent”! Especially together with the sound design. Until today, this was the only time I had to stop a movie and had to lay down for a few minutes because I felt really really ill from one moment to another. So glad I did NOT watch it in a movie theater. Still getting somewhat anxious when I think about it.

Third one would be “The Ring”. While there is in fact only one explicit scene right in the beginning, the rest of the film felt super uncomfortable and really tense to me. But contrary to “Irreversible” (which is just too violent imho), I think it is great filmmaking!


Not exactly non-violent, but I found Salò pretty disconcerting.

…oooo…i just hated “dancer in the dark”, too…not only because what he did to björk, not only because it’s one of these dogma movies and i hate all sorts of “dogma”…

way too many good reasons why lars von trier was officially on our no go list at the entrance of bar25…he tried twice and both times he never saw it from the inside, never passed the bouncers…

but hey, when quentin came along one day, that was quite a night, no one who was in there back then, will ever forget… :wink:
and he also made quite some “disturbing” movies next to his all time classics…

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Kids. Still haunts me to this day


I don’t hate Dancer in the Dark, I like it. It had a powerful effect on me when I first saw it.
I also don’t know what’s up with Lars and why he says that kind of stuff.

Without being there I have no idea what went down between those two and therefore I don’t want to jump to any conclusions.

Do you have some insider information or firsthand knowledge?

Whats violence? I came to think about Pelle the conquerer but the scene that fucked me up the most watching it at 12 was the dickcuttingscene but the iceflakejumpingscene is also very powerful and violent in another sense. I love all Dogma movies and alot of nondogma of that crew. Festen of Vinterberg is very disconcerting. Von Triers the Kingdom and Melancholia is heavy. And yes Haneke might be the king of angstcinema.

Not that disconcerting IMO but fun, beautiful and weird! One of my favorites :ok_hand:


Naked Lunch

