Moog Subharmonicon

Instant GAS

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Sounding good!

Aen! Dwarfcraft products are incredible, had no idea you browsed this forum. Great stuff

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I love it’s sound

Aw thanks!
Yeah, I started life as an electronic musician, very recently joined The Church Of Elektron, and my main goals in life are to procure an Analog Rytm, and to play a million shows.


so you guys think this is gonna be released like the DFAM ? it seems like a pattern of market research by now (which is brilliant btw) to test a product on their fest and then release it afterwards

I hope so

Hard to be sure. Remember too DFAM in idea started from the “Brother From Another Mother” product from Moogfest 2016. The easiest thing for Moog is to release the Sub-Harmonicon as is, but there could well be a redo. I think the least likely outcome is to have nothing beyond Moogfest, but that is possible too. The intent of the Moogfest trials would be to eventually have a product, but to make it the best it can be.

A series of inspiring popular Loopop videos will help, as well as our contacting Moog, or retailers like Guitar Center… (GC and Musician’s Friend got the favor of first release on the Grandmother.)

I REALLY hope so. This is kind of the first “leap” moog has made in their modular offerings. I’m a big fan and user of their modern keyboard synths, but the first few euro offerings left me cold, as they seemed like putting the same old hardware in a new box.

This subharmonium sounds really exciting!

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oh boi


That’s really quite lovely.

Yea its a really interesting piece. right up my personal alley :slight_smile:

The DFAM was my first encounter with Moog . A true techno beast… This one seems like the perfect compagnion :slight_smile:

Up my alley too. I’d still be interested even if it was multicolored like the Grandmother, certain EHX pedals, etc.

To: info
Subject: [General Inquiries] Subharmonicon…
"Hi guys,
Please release the Subharmonicon. I’ve never wanted a Moog so much. What a truly interesting piece of gear it is. thanks a mill :slight_smile: "

“thank you so much for taking the time to write and for your feedback. We absolutely appreciate it!”

Trent Thompson

:smile: and now the waiting begins

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That faceplate w/ logos and stuff looks way too pro to be a workshop-only one-off.

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agreed. looks basically ready to hit the shelves :wink:


Steve Dunnington the Moog engineer in the video mentioned an earlier version of this, presumably one that was inside the company only. So there is enough commitment to this product to bring it this far, rather than nipping it in the bud.

So it may still (or may not) go through another revision before a commit to a larger scale manufacture – i think Moog is smart to take this approach to development – there is an awful lot you can learn from just plain synth folks when you put it in their hands for a while.
Maybe changes to the envelope interface – perhaps the trimmed down current design was an expedient.
Or perhaps some modification on the sub-harmonic sequencer aspects, this is very experiental, and you can learn stuff just doing it that would improve a final product.

But it does look like this, or something like it will see a larger manufacture run.

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This is very west coast in flavor to me. I am glad that Moog is still experimental.

Cool that you can feed it external signals for the two primary oscillators, that get feed into the “sub-harmonizer”. In the example Loopop showed the primary oscillator generates a saw-tooth wave and the sub-harmonics are also sawtooth waves. Does that mean the sub-harmonic waves always match the primnary oscillator waveforms – so if you used an external triangle wave, you’d get a triangle wave sub-harmonic? Or are the sub-harmonics always sawtooth waves regardless what you feed it?
The other thing i wonder about is if you feed the sub-harmonizer other messier signals, let say the worst case – white noise, what does it do?

I thought of a relatively easy way to do a digital sub-harmonizer – i wonder if Moog did their’s in digital or in analog? My guess is their’s is in analog. I’d have to think a little harder to design this circuit.

This is very attractive to the kid side of me, something to play with, without necessarily some specific goal for it.