Or you can just stop the playback when dfam is on step 1, works like a charm unless bpm is in ludicrous mode…

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Don’t you mean step 8? If you want your DFAM sequence to start on step 1, it should be on step 8 before you press start on the DB-01.

Honestly I just gave up on all that and embraced the randomness, especially when sending it an irregular clock. The lack of a reset input on DFAM seemed like a total oversight at first but it leads me down different paths.

Edit: unless you’re trying to use DFAM as your backing drum loop. Which IMO is not where it shines.


So true! And that’s really where the magic happens :sunglasses::metal:


Make sure your hardware is capable of outputting clock or pulses at 4 ppq / 16th notes. DFAM is pulse per step from the clock input. If you want a proper sync that sounds normal, you’ll need the 16th’s incoming.

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I clocked my DFAM with a DB01 in exactly the configuration you describe.

Worked a treat.

But yeah, there’s no reset, so you might sometimes have to manually advance the sequencer to the desired step (step 8 usually) before starting.

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Totally, thanks for the info.

I think i’m fine with that. Glad the same setup worked for you. I feel comfortable pulling the trigger. Hopefully last gear purchase for a long time thanks to NoGearNewYear.




DFAM owners, what’s it like as a noise/texture synth? Any audio examples? Videos?

I’ve not got anything to hand right now (painting the town beige) but it was ok for noise/textures. It’s basically a monosynth with a bunch of VCAs, but lack of modulation makes it a bit limited, unless you’ve got other mod sources.


Yeah, I was thinking of using SubH and two 0-Coasts to do all the “notes” and to handle the extra modulation, with vaguely in-time textural stuff coming from a DFAM, maybe with the occasional colossal kick and even a snare on the 1 and 5. If that makes sense? In-between, texture/noise.

Yeah, that’ll work

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I like using it this way. It does benefit from extra-curricular patching, but I think it has a pretty wide palette on its own. And the sound is really good IMO. All the texture/drone in the example is DFAM. I think I had it patched into the SubH a bit, but can’t recall exactly. Mainly it was on its own in terms of sound generation. The rest is piano, SubH and some fx.


You can also use it as a complex oscillator for your other stuff. But especially with (or without) your other gears you can patch some feedback loops to achieve weird results. You would need some attenuators to have control over all those cv changes though. Low Gain has standalone matrix mixers with attenuators: 4x4 Passive Matrix Mixer — Low-Gain Electronics

Btw before that take a look at Minibrute 2s as well. Its patching capabilities are much more extensive and it also already has some useful utilities such as inverter, attenuators… I haven’t used it yet but it seems quite good.

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This is great!

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Good points all round. The 0-Coast has an attenuverter/inverter circuit, so that’s interesting!

Cheers mate. Yea I really connect with it. It’s fun for noodling around on and it gets to many interesting places. Def with a SubH and an 0-Coast you will have no shortage of adventures in front of you.

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A bit of hardware being finished called the DFAM Thing from Serendipity Synthesizers in Australia. It gives all sorts of new functionality for the DFAM.

Various new features for the DFAM include :

  • MIDI integration — clocking and individual step play,
  • Reset — manual, via CV or via MIDI,
  • Variations in the step order — Forward, Reverse, Bounce, Odds & Evens, Shuffle, Random and Custom
  • Changing the sequence length — 1 to 8 steps (up to 16 steps for a custom step order)
  • Changing the clocking — 2X, 4X, 1/2, 1/3, etc.

Home page :

Decent price imo.

ADDED : Should Moog sue them over the name ? Serendipity ought to change the name while they have a chance. Will Behringer add any of the features they don’t already have into the Edge ? They ought to.
( I don’t have a clue about Australian trademark law, but i doubt this is allowed there either. )


The Kenton Pro CV to MIDI will do more, but it costs almost twice as much.
The Edge however does as much as a DFAM + a Kenton …

Can you explain how the Kenton can achieve the same results? This looks like a MAFD (which is great btw) on steroids. For example, it maps midi notes to the correct number of pulses to advance to specific steps in the sequencer. And does similar things with midi clock by the sound of it. Not something you can easily do with a regular midi to cv device without some kind of software controlling it.