Monomachine Nonsense

Mod edit, moved to music section

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Sounds great! Spicy.

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These are great. I’ve been following your YT channel for a while, really enjoyed the output.

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all your stuff seriously rules, can’t believe i haven’t seen your channel before.

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That sounds ridiculous :wink:

sysex or it’s just ableton

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I could def share some sysex, but building one of these in Live would be a super interesting challenge imo

sorry of course it’s not ableton. that would be … hell. :slight_smile:

would be happy to see a sysex. i can’t even get the same tones out of my MnM from one day to the next. intested in how you do things.

Yeah the sysex would be fantastic if you wouldn’t mind.

Some of what I think is the more interesting sysex so far and a new one.
B0910.syx (2.0 KB) B05.syx (1.8 KB)


Excellent. Thank you. These are going straight in to my Monomachine :slight_smile:

That you’re calling this “nonsense” is the real and only nonsense in this thread.
I really enjoyed the ride, thank you dear.


One thing I forgot! I have the Oxford Overdrive pack installed for the Digi waves



These just keep getting better and better.

Would you mind sharing the sysex for this please ?

Understand if you don’t. It is rather good :slight_smile:

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I’d be happy to share sysex for that when I get a second to get it off the machine.

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Here’s the sysex for the latest one @mattp
H0102.syx (2.8 KB)


Thank you. As soon as I can that is going straight in to my Monomachine :slight_smile:

Got them loaded in :slight_smile: Hours of fun. Thank you again.

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Man, they need to rerelease this beast. Missed my chance when they went on sale due to being laid off. Pretty big regret, love the sounds.