Modular Suggestions

I checked out Loopop’s video comparing physical Rings to VCVRack Rings. Software version sounds good enough to me.

What drew my attention to Rings was of course Qu-Bit Surface first because the two get compared a lot now, and then these Easter Egg videos - the first one makes me laugh because of the “seductive voice” the guy speaks with, however the demo of up to 10-voice poly really got my attention:

Thanks to your thread, I have something to focus my attention on, on my iPad, and that’s miRack. If I’m going to eventually get a physical modular, might as well play with the IOS one for a bit first. I suspect I’ll end up getting both a Rings and a Surface. The two of them together don’t take up that much space, and they’ll complement each other, with Surface being a bit better suited for kick and snare sounds.

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Tom Leclerc’s walkthrough of his small ambient modular

Found Mssr. Leclerc’s video below on my Youtube feed - I really liked it so I searched and found the above video:



Tom Leclerc uses one Erica module - the mixer I think. I might have heard him wrong in the video though

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