Model:Samples +?

At the end, it is the same approach to connect M:S sound output to computer (but adding a minijack / jack adapter). Not sure if a different cable could make a difference

My purpose was just improving the resulting sound when playing with the M:S, although I know R8 can do lot more of things… Theoretically, it could be like having 8 M:S, but that’s not my idea, we’ll see in the next weeks

I must say my first impression is not amazing (having read 0 info of the manual). I was expecting (at least) some better sound than the M:S without touching any button / parameter in the R8, and that’s not (by far) the case

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I was wondering if it was sounding the same or not after a record without touching anything. But I guess there is no sound processing at all. Well at least there are some effects inside to discover !

Time to read the manual, sure :blush:
The biggest problem I have seen (let me insist, without reading a single word of the manual yet) is some weird sound with reverb / delay processing from M:S tracks. Although I suppose this is kind of normal, as M:S allows to not send both effects in output (didn’t know, but that options are there)

so at first, you don’t find that the M:S sounds good enough and wanted some sound processing/mastering through the R8?

That was my idea, yes

I was looking to do the same, and found the sound better after some post mixing through a DAW

Well, I bought the M:S mainly to stop playing with DAWs :blush:

I know what you mean !! I’m also using Audio Evolution Mobile on my chromebook (android), I found the sound results better than audacity for a quick recording

I have sold the R8 after the first tests, I expected a totally different thing… So I have recovered the synth idea, and now I am waiting for a Novation Mono Station to arrive in the coming days :blush:

If Model:Cycles was available I would have a difficult decision here… Not really like how it (generally) sounds, but I really love how Model:Samples is designed and the way to work with it

Updating this :grinning:

My current setup is a M:S sequencing (sending clock & program changes) to a Novation Circuit Mono Station. Both of them mixed with a Mackie 402 VLZ4

I am wondering if I could integrate there a Volca Kick (always wanted to try it). I mean, sequenced by the M:S the same way it is doing with Mono Station… Would it be possible? :thinking:

Yes, it’s possible.

You can use the CMS’s MIDI Thru to pass MIDI messages to the Volca Kick. You just need to set different MIDI channel number on the CMS and the VK, corresponding to different MIDI channel numbers on the M:S’s tracks.

You could connect the VK either to your mixer or to the audio input on the CMS.


I’ll investigate this :+1:t3:

If you have a mac, I would get Logic. It is by far the best thing for your buck. About 200€. With the money left, I would get an audio interface so that you can record the Model Samples. Focusrite cards I hear are pretty good. You could even maybe get a really cheap synth like a Behringer Crave or a Volca FM with your last pennies left.
Another option is a 2nd hand Minilogue + mixer/soundcard. Or the Monologue.
Maschine MK3 is another option.

I would get used to your cans and not worry too much about speakers

Edit: this is an old post. My bad!

Updating :slightly_smiling_face:
I have received a valuable offer for the Mono Station so I think I am going to sell it

My question is, considering I will keep the Model:Samples & what I want for the new machine would be mostly playing some synth / bass sounds: Analog Four Mk1 or Digitakt?

Be cautious about trying that out with other combinations of gear … I’m relatively new to this but I’ve already found one combination of gear where one of the midi receivers stopped the other midi receiver from working. I doubt you’d damage anything, but you may find combinations where the two midi receivers work independently but not together on the splitter.

EDIT: oops … just realised I’m adding to a very old thread.

I was totally focused to get an A4 in a local store (as they provide at least 1 year of technical support), but sadly they have sold this weekend their only unit they had. Very bad luck, or maybe a signal to go for a Digitakt? :roll_eyes: