Model:Samples Feature Requests Thread

Add Stereo Sample Playback Ability.
Dunno if its possible but it would be nothing short of amazing tbh

Add machines à la Digitakt last firmware update to open up the very limited product:

1)one shot machine: works exactly like current model:sample sample playback mode.

2)chop machine:

-chop your selected sample between 1 and 16 chops aligning on the sequencer buttons (each button lighting up means one extra chop).
-sample length now determines the length of the chops (they all share the same length).
-playing each chop of the sample will choke the previous note (as the model sample is strictly monophonic)

3)lo-fi machine:

-this machine automatically convert your sample to 12bit

4)extreme lo-fi machine:

-this machine automatically convert your sample to 6bit


Oh Gods of beat making machines at Gothenburg City, please hear our prayers:



Just got my third(?) M:S. Great machine and I adore the limitations as I just get on with making music, and I love the almost one-knob-per-function but the key word there is “almost”. So, in that spirit, there are a couple of FUNC + Knob enhancements that could be added:

FUNC + Decay = Attack
FUNC + Sample Start = Loop Start
FUNC + Sample End = Loop End


Separate loop points would be amazing :clap:

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ok, this is the last time (today) I lend my account to chatGPT. promise.:

" Hey fellow elektronauts,

I’ve been diving deep into my Model:Samples lately and came up with a wishlist of features that could take this amazing machine to the next level. Let’s brainstorm and discuss:

  1. Granular Synthesis: Imagine having granular synthesis capabilities right in our Model:Samples. We could break down samples into tiny grains, manipulate them in real-time, and create intricate textures that add a whole new dimension to our beats. Granular synthesis would open up endless sonic possibilities!
  2. Real-time Collaborative Jamming: Picture this - a real-time collaborative jamming mode. We connect our Model:Samples units over Wi-Fi or MIDI, sync up perfectly, and start jamming together. It would be a game-changer for live performances and collaborative music creation. Let’s make this happen!
  3. AI Drum Pattern Generation: Why not harness the power of AI for drum pattern generation? The Model:Samples could analyze our sample libraries and generate killer drum patterns, giving us inspiration and a starting point for our beats. Let the AI be our rhythm wizard!
  4. Morphing Macros: Morphing macros would be a game-changer. Imagine assigning multiple parameters to a single macro control knob. We could smoothly transition between different sound settings and patterns, creating dynamic and expressive performances. It’s like having instant sonic evolution at our fingertips!
  5. Audio-to-MIDI Conversion: Here’s a wild one - audio-to-MIDI conversion. We feed an audio signal into our Model:Samples, and it converts it into MIDI data. This would open up endless possibilities for live sampling and integrating external instruments seamlessly.

What do you think of these ideas? Share your thoughts and let’s keep the Model:Samples dream alive! :musical_note::rocket::loud_sound:"


Hi everyone

I used the Elektron Model:Sample, for a good year I was quite happy with it as I
find that it has fairly well-designed ergonomics and is practical for everyday use,
on the other hand
I noted points which mean that it obviously has limits but I think that this one could be improved
for not much and make it one of the best drum machine/sample players there is.

To begin with I already find that the external synth control in polyphony is a little complicated to implement e.g.:
if you want to play chords you will have to move the notes on the steps (before or after) to be able to
play a chord, but if for example you want to play a 3-tone chord at the start of a pattern you will have to use another track track
because you will not be able to move the step which is before 1 to the right on 1.

Then as we use a volume track for each “track” or “sample” I find it a real shame that it is not there
separate tracks, this could allow us to enter them into a mixer (or add effects) without having to always
manipulated the only button that allows us to manage the volume…

When I tried it I also noted that there was no possibility of triggering CC changes
via midi on the steps, it’s a shame too because I’m sure it’s possible to code something in the firmware.

And finally one of the important points which would completely change the machine in my opinion, would be the implementation of real “switches”
“TR-808” or “TR-909” style or even mechanical keyboard switches, it would be 1000 times more practical to the touch
unlike these pads which are “soft” and it would be 1000 times prettier.

For me, these are the first important points that would be necessary to really fill the gaps in this machine,

then as suggested in the comment above mine, an implementation (maybe even quite simple),
to play samples in a “granular” way would be really cool and also above all a possibility of putting randomness on
certain functions (pattern creation etc…)

ah yes and also an extremely important point which is really lacking in the original model:sample, the fact that it is a
cut between change of project so if we have to do a live we can only play on the first 16 patterns
otherwise we have this problem of lag/cutting when changing projects…

There you go, I sent an email to Elektron support for their explanations but I’m sure that if others share the same opinion
the message will turn a little more… (maybe…) there you go, if Elektron wants to sell even more machines they should
understand what it should do for a possible model:sample v2 which I will happily buy if they listen
a little feedback from the community,

thank you for this conference


I know it’s not going to happen now, but the only thing that makes the low track count anywhere near usable for me is multiple sounds locked into one track and when you’ve done that …

you can’t separately pan those sample locks

Well, ok, you can, but only by using velocity with destination pan, which assumes you’re not using velocity for anything else.

I don’t know if this was added in an update later on…but it seems possible now!

No, this is impossible on all Elektron devices.

You’re right I misread the manual!

That’d be cool to have :unamused:

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At this point it’s more feasible to see an update for WordStar than for the Models.


ikr, I just want an update that’s all.


I’m sure many of these are repeated here but who has time to read 500+ replies:

  1. better buttons that don’t stick and break easily (mainly this)
  2. standard power connector (not the weird mini one)
  3. USB C (with ability to power device ideally)
  4. don’t bother with the power bar thingy
  5. Func > Decay for Attack
  6. Setting to not preview on 1st track click (so you don’t have to hold track to switch tracks)
  7. A better way to see the value of a knob without having to “fake turn” it.
  1. Give us Sounds, enable us to save sample sound settings as presets. Please.

  2. We don’t have dedicated midi tracks, ok, but at least make worth the sacrifice of the sound tracks: let us freely assign midi cc to some of the encoders and let the sequencer clock and send those CC values. For the love of God, why gave us the option to send note and encoder values through midi in an Elektron machine if send cc value PLock was left out, why god, WHY!?!?

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Its more and more obvious to me that both models were cut short of a lot of features because of urge of releasing the products or people leaving key positions in elektron. There is no other way to think about it.

How long ago was the power handle thing? They still have not done anything to make up for it…

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Definitely the oddballs in the family.

I wonder what the strategy and thinking was, perhaps there was once a longer term plan for them, which is now scrapped.

I suppose the Cycles was like a test run for the Syntakt.

All I’d ask for is an update to the font size, to one that was sane and realistic for the resolution of the display

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At this point, very few people would think different.
Its just a shame the models sell so good still so elektron feels like they dont need to upgrade them.

Sonicware livens, the new ep-133 KO. II, the woovebox, even the TR-6S/MC-101 have shown that cheap grooveboxes could still offer firmware updates. It is just odd that the models are now the most ancient boxes still produced by Elektron outside of the octatrack/A4 even though they were released not so long ago…

nothing out of this world, very simple, nothing fancy:

  1. as we can save sounds in the M:C (Machine + paramenters), let us save sounds in the M:S (Sample + parameters)

  2. Scales + keyboard folding in the track menu options