Model:Samples battery handle pack

I just started doing my own battery handle, but even my smallest single cell 1000mAh power"pack" will give me over 2h playing (not sure how fit the battery is and how good the converter is). The M:Samples consumes something around 300mAh…

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Elektron should probably just build the battery compartment and stand into an Mk2.


My guess for a release date of this Power Handle is early 2021… :wink:

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Tuesday… 2021…-ish


So any alternatives? Like 3rd party battery packs maybe…

Any USB battery pack and the appropriate cable. There’s been lots of discussion and examples on various threads here.

Edit: like this one

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Musicstore listed it in august… Not sure if this is true…

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I wish it was true, might just be a placeholder


It looks like other online store have them for preorder, I hope it’s on the way !


I guess that still wasn’t it…

Sorry, can you confirm it’s really a 1.35mm hole cable? I had read somewhere else it should be 2,1mm…

Sorry, I don’t own a Model: Device currently, so cannot check.

There’s two power inlets. The one at the back that use the wall wart with is 3.5x1.35 mm

The one at the side interned for the battery handle is 5.5x2.1mm

You can use either with a USB battery pack (and appropriate cable)

Onite DC Plugs Male 4.0x1.7mm, 4.0x1.35mm, 3.5x1.35mm, 3.5mm Mono, 3.0x1.1mm, 2.5x0.7mm, 2.5mm Mono, 2.35x0.7mm, 2.0x0.6mm Adapters for Electronics Devices Tablets, USB to DC 5.5x2.1mm Cord (DC9+1)

I got this usb to dc multi adapter and it had a connecting piece that fits the M:S nice and snug.

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Ok, thanks to all, in fact I had imagined that the side power inlet needs a larger hole adapter.

wow - the battery in is pretty good! 4-10V - so i guess best would be to use 18650 in series to not risk one to drop under 4V. 3x 3,6* 10,8V seems perfect - even without a buck-down-converter, right?

@Uija do you have your design on thingiverse?

I got the Onite USB cable/adapter kit recommended by @TheGhostCat above (and probably others on the forum). I also got a generic 24000mAh battery pack, and so far, it seems to work great! Honestly, the power consumption seems to be in line with or less than an iPhone (both come with a 5V 1A power supply), so you probably don’t even need a high capacity battery.

I’m a big fan of NiMH rechargeables (Eneloops and their off-brand counterparts), and they’re great for a lot of music equipment. I use dozens of them in Volcas and Roland Boutiques. But for the Model:Samples, I think the battery back/cable solution is the way to go, even if/when this official battery tube handle thing comes out. Given how stiff the velocity-sensitive track pads are, I don’t think i would want this thing propped up at an angle and making it even harder to get the full force you get when the M:S is on a flat surface. Plus, you’d have to empty out the batteries to charge them every time, and would probably get less battery life versus a good USB pack. Cheers!

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@porkloin used my files, made it more rebuildable (I laminated my own tube etc) and posted them on thingiverse:

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The Elektron Battery Handle is the perfect 2020 product - came in with promise, went down hill from there, has become a complete joke, and best to just be forgotten.