
Well thank you but I don’t understand how a lone CC can be used over several parameters :face_with_monocle:

It’s one parameter. Think of a wheel of chords - you select from a set, you don’t have control over individual notes that form the chords.


Well I’ve gone and preordered one!

Comprehensive review from loopop is now online.


Well thank you :slight_smile:

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same. SW has it now but it’s listed as “coming soon” versus PC has it in stock.

I needed some cables from PC anyway, so… might as well grab one of these while I’m at it! :crazy_face:

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It’ll be interesting to see how this shakes out vs. Volca Drum as a drum synthesis partner for Octatrack users and the general user community.

Volca FM vs. Digitone for OT crowd seems to be a draw. But among the general forum membership, Digitone emerged as the more winning product.

Pay close attention to what he says in the first 3 seconds of the video. :rofl:

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will there be any type of soundpack* for the cycles?

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Punch and gate, let’s hope in a future update, dn gets a compressor and retrig @Ess :slight_smile:
I’m gonna buy this eventually though, I’m really digging the marketing behind it. It sounds so dope too


Haha caught it


Pics/Audio/Video from the ‘Meet Model:Cycles’ for a general impression, attendees, anyone?

Damn, looks like it just exploded with M:C ‘going viral’ online, with all the vids from the usual gang (Bo, Loopop, Cuckoo, ++ !!!) Plenty to do tonight for a change. (besides watching the 1st ep of Better Call Saul) For shits 'n giggles i ReSampled the ripped audio from the teasers today and did some DT+DN+AH on it. Wouldn’t have thought a product reveal would lead to such a blessing of productivity after months of dust and self-loathing. Time to get my setup in order and make some more room :wink:

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Hi Ess, Thanks for another great FM box! Love it!
The chords also seem great for me not having great music theory.
Can the chords be sent out over midi?


So it’s and Elektron volca drum? lol

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i wouldn’t expect so based on how the sequencer works on other boxes and how the chord is implemented - but it would be a nice (albeit unlikely imho) feature request i.e. to have the fundamental +the corresponding additional notes added to the midi

make it a more flexible MIDI device for emergency uses



Nah. Different architecture entirely. And the waveguide resonator on the Volca Drum is insanely fun.

jesus, tough crowd. Didn’t realise there was a recognised teaser : device ratio


I would never recommend this synth to beginner, what generall synth knowledge one could get from this synth engines ? or from this sample player ?

As for me, i have one of this MC im my shopping basket, just need to push that BUY button :smiley:


Fair point. I guess my next question would be do you want to learn synthesis in the process or just jam on good sounds?

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