
From someone who suffers from RSI the pads are always a problem. Guess I could buy a rubber mallet.




Has it 4 note Polyphony?

I feel like if I saw someone playing a model cycles with xylophone mallets I would think they were legit.

I’m actually pretty ok with the pads once I adjust the settings a bit but I’ve found the other buttons feel a bit wibbly wobby TV remote… had a few accidental triggers on the chromatic buttons wish they were hard digi type buttons. They aren’t actually that bad though still fun to play on. Absolutely love the look of the cycles also, probably my favorite looking elektron machine, just feels like it was plucked from the past in a good way.

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Ok, tried sysex librarian, can anyone verify if the syx ptn works?

my first m:c pattn

MX MC001 ptn.syx (25.2 KB)

I am a bit curious why the Elektron transfer app only supports transferring m:c presets? Why not also support transferring patterns and projects…?

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I checked this now, and indeed the m:c uses regular D-shafts, with a metallic stem no less! If I decide to keep mine, I think I will order a bunch of black DJTT encoders and swap the caps.

First pattern with mine. Of course, as this is the first Elektron I’ve owned that doesn’t have kits, I neglected to use temp save, got carried away with ctrl-all, hit reload and lost everything. :joy:

Still, grabbed a video so it’s not forgotten. Nice kicks indeed. I also like the metal and the tone machines.


DN is waaay better I agree

I saw a lot of videos so far but i have not found a single one that sounds convincing/ the sounds I hear are not inspiring at all and are not convincing me in buying one

Yeah this is it. I think I (and other “deep nanoloopers”) have had a head start by realising that it’s a machine where the minimalism/simplicity invites the user to experiment with weird tricks/workarounds, rather than having 16 LFOs per track, super polyphony, control over algorithms etc.

I’m selling my Volca Drum. It sounds really great, but I find the controls a bit too fiddly. It was also a bit of an impulse purchase where I didn’t think I’d win the eBay auction :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, it’s making me feel slightly less bad about selling my MD 3 or so years ago. So huge. Can’t wait to try it on a big system.

Holy shit I need to try this. I was thinking of using my drum sticks but was worried about smacking a hole in the enclosure… I have rubber tipped xylophone mallets so they’d probably be perfect.

Who’s gonna be first to attempt a mod with mechanical switches? :laughing:


I was lucky and was able to the return my Volca Drum. I liked the sound but hated the feeling of working with it. As I like to create full songs with new machines to learn them, I missed a lot on the Drum.
Now, that I was able to spend a few hours with my M:C. It is exactly, what I hoped the VD would be + a little more. I love the sound, we don’t have to talk about the Electron Sequencer and the bass-sounds I get out of it push me need for a Bass Station 2 further into the future!
Oh, and I could listen to that “Piano sound” That is the default of the chords-machine for hours!
I ignored the M:S all the time now, as it is not able to sample by itself, but since I really love the UX of the M:C I start thinking about it more and more!

Took the M:C (together with a powerbank and a USB To 1.35mm cable) with me yesterday to spent time between the end of my working day and an event in our office, and what should I say… I was late for that event…


I don’t know if I’m digging the model: UI tbh. The limited controls means that one tends to try to maximize the sequencing of patterns, which means plocking, lots of plocking… and in that context IMO the increased encoder amount doesnt really help compared to just having 6-10 encoders like the other elektrons. I suppose the extra knobs would be useful for realtime tweaking, but since you are pretty much plocking everything all the time, they kind of miss their mark a bit.

Also not a fan of the display with its poor contrast/black level. Not easy on the eye.

The lack of cursor keys also means that no tempo nudging, and no pattern offsetting (a feature I adore on the other elektrons) and slower menu diving. You gotta hit that main encoder like you’re browsing for your life with a CDJ running out of a track on the other deck…

If I had designed a model: I think I would have made two or three modes for the knobs, lessened the amt of encoders by three, and added a cursor section on the panel instead. And had put two-colour/RGB leds to the trig buttons to better visualize between trigs vs trigless locks. But yeh


Do you mean shifting steps left and right?

If so, in grid recording mode, hold Track and turn level encoder.

If not, ignore me!


I love this feature. Using arrow keys to do it on the other Elektrons is great, but it’s so much more fun to spin an encoder and see where it lands.


I took a chance on this but the synthesis is so shallow it feels like a rompler.

Instant regret.


Aww yeahhh! Big thanks for that :+1:

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Yeah it does have some neat unique features as well though, like swing per track and chance as track/control all level control. I also found being able to lock sounds directly from the preset menu to be handy and im more lively to try more sounds as apposed to having to use a sound pool (not sure if Digitone does this but A4 needs sound pool) I have been toying around a lot with using the velocity pads with retrig and then going back and repitching and that ends up giving a more expressive feel that I have found on other elektrons as well. It definitely is not replacement for my A4 or Digitakt, and I also have at least at the start have found building sounds slower mostly because of having to think differently I think, its limited but still more flexibility than it should be all things considered or at least I think so, takes some time to get your head around it because it is quite different.

I actually like the sound of the m:c. Its just the UI I have gripes with.

Swing for track isn’t very useful for me, especially since there is no bipolar swing.

I agree about the fact that the box is deeper than what it might seem at first, but I have gotten so used to that with elektron boxes so it barely registers :diddly:


fwiw, I had gripes with the M:S screen/menu at first.

Once I started using LFO button + parameter encoder for destination and depth, that helped a lot.
You also develop some memory for the pattern and project save sequences.

A gripe I didn’t know I had, was remembering what the core functions were of the 3 buttons above the LFO button. Their shift functions are printed, but their core buttons are icons. My overstynth overlay really helped speed that up. The added texts helps.

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Also try turning down the screen brightness and lights in the menu I did because after playing for a few hours I looked at a something else and had a little square from the screen burned into my vision for a bit :grimacing: with it turned down its easier on the eyes for me at least. Not quite digitakt good but better