Model:Cycles Tips & Tricks Thread

Wow! Great discovery! Hopefully they put it in the LFO menu, I’d love a HOLD LFO that isn’t just random.


Should be very easy to add, I hope the do not remove it…I guess they just copied the code from other machines. I wonder if there may be any other features hidden from other machines, maybe a second destination?

Now that you say, the waveform is the one you select. just holds the value when the note is triggered. It behaves kind of random, but not a true random though, right?

Yeah, currently without that MIDI CC trick the only way to get a HOLD LFO mode is by running the random shape at 0 speed and enabling the reset parameter. With a repeating wave a hold mode would appear semi-random if running at a speed that isn’t a division of the tempo, but would still repeat in interesting patterns. It’s one of my favourite uses for LFOs on the higher tier boxes :metal:


I know, I posted it here…:sweat_smile: I am having lots of fun creating polyphonic drones…with extra help is a very powerful synth.

I have just checked it and the trigger mode can be save inside the presets, the only thing is if you deactivate reset it can not be retrieved. You just need to save 3 presets as starting points in the Cycles (Hold, One, Half), open them, load the machine of choice and start editing with those new trig modes


Just got around to decoding the trick that @mekohler alluded to a while back using this :wink:
Certainly fun to be had although it’s a bit strange on account of the algorithm adopting the current track values for a given ALG swap, so it’s different to changing a track’s machine as this adopts default values - getting sweetspots that work consistently across all the machines is more of a balancing act

It needs a very modest depth to cover the full range and it’s relative to the track machine - so you can change the track machine and get an increasingly weighted random at either end for the bipolar shapes


Sorry to be a tease, but as Mekolher is not pushing this into his app just in case issues arise, it follows I won’t be sharing more details on this either i.e. no PMs plz - tbh I can sorta see why the destination option was removed by Elektron, but I’d still +1 adding it as a FR although there are better destinations, it can be tamed to do useful stuff and it doesn’t get too crazy as it operates an implicit hold mode, so it only changes per trig although it will also vary on retrig

no CC sweeps are gonna reveal this one, tried that first before attacking the sysex

best to put this in as an official feature request and see what they say, it’s what I’m gonna do to make this less of a hassle, it was at least already in consideration, so it’s 3/4 there :thup:


Lol. That’s such an amazing piece of engineering.
Never looked into editing sysex…:thinking:


Uggh not really a tip or trick but just realised that I had overlooked the always on setting for retrig. Having a ton of fun with this and lfo to pitch!

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Yeah, it was a feature request of mine when I was developing the presets :slight_smile: I think it may not happen, but it’s nice to dream!

Great sleuthing, this machine keeps revealing things, almost like little easter eggs :metal:


There seem to be some features that did not make it to the final release, like machine selection via CC, LFO destination machine and LFO trig mode. I wonder if there might be more of these hidden features to be found.


maybe, it has been known (a since closed filter adjustment on A4 Mk1), but I doubt there’s a hidden way to unlock attack !

Well, to be fair, i probably wouldn’t have nosed around the sysex for that particular setting if it hadn’t been mentioned as doable

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Well, if they do not add these features I hope at least they do not remove their access via midi CC…:sweat_smile:

I am using the cycles as a 3 note dual layer polysynth with full ADSR envelopes per layer via ableton and max4live…so I am fine :wink: The lack of attack made me find an alternative…:sweat_smile:


best to keep this stuff quiet then, but i doubt they will remove that particular functionality

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The best thing about forums is to share knowledge, otherwise they do not make much sense.
Maybe we should talk about things we find in gearslutz, so Elektron does not find out…:rofl:


How to parameter lock different LFO retriggering modes.

In the pad menu set Vdep to 0.

Set DST to “mode”

Set Ddep to 2.

A trigger velocity of 0 to 31 activates free run mode.

A Velocity of 32 to 63 activates retrigger mode. (retriggers the LFO when note is played.)

Velocity of 64 to 95 is hold mode. Current value of LFO is sampled when note is triggered and held until the next note is triggered.

Velocity of 96 to 126 plays a half cycle and then stops.

Velocity of 127 is one cycle and then stops.


To get an LFO that always syncs to the first note but then free runs set the first note’s velocity to 32 and then on the subsequent notes set the velocity to 0. The first note triggers (resets) the LFO and subsequent notes allow the LFO to free run but always locked to the same phase.

This is good when you want the initial phase of a free run LFO to always be the same.

Example 2:

Set velocity to 64 and enter a series of notes with that velocity. Set LFO destination to affect pitch (as an example). Each note will sample the LFO at a specific point. The sampling rate is determined by the LFO speed and multiplier.

You lose volume velocity with this method but this can be worked around by parameter locking the volume (DIST) parameter.


If you want to ruin everything for us the best way would be letting Gearslutz be entitled towards yet another manufacturer!


And that is the truth.
Surprising sounds keeps popping up.


Nice…thanks for the tip. It’s still not in the manual :man_shrugging:

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Pan locking per track:
Set the track LFO to square with retrig on. Set the speed to 1x and 0, and assign it to pan. Lock the LFO depth per trig to control panning.


I was going to start a new topic, but it looks like this is the best thread for my question. I’m creating a pattern only use the Tone machine. What’s the best way to go about creating a solid kick?

I haven’t had any trouble creating a snare, hi-hats or bass tones, but I can’t seem to make a kick with some nice punch to it.

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A sine wave with a pitch envelope makes the purest thumpiest kick! Keep the machine as just pure sine, tuned low (to the pitch of your bass I guess) and use the LFO with env type assigned to pitch. You want a fast pitch envelope creating the thump at the start, so play with speed and depth til you get a sound you like, then you can try tweaking the other controls to customise it.