Model:Cycles only music

Absolutely sick

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Received my model:cycles at the end of March, used it for 2 days then it stopped working.
Had to sent it back but couldn’t do it before May because of coronavirus.
Finally received my new one yesterday and did a little techno jam.
I’m loving the immediacy of this thing!


Here are some patterns I’ve made with the model:cycles so far. I just bought a Digitone a few weeks ago and I plan on grabbing a Digitakt as well pretty soon.


okay there is one non-MC sound in here, but otherwise all Model Cycles.
Made this about a month ago using the Cyclical MC Patch Pack

Model Cycles drums and fm clang hook.
A4 for string pad only.
Alesis Micro Limiter.
Nothing fancy, just a draft I may use live or develop into more some day.


This is really inspiring. I love the lyric soloing around minute 6. All with just one machine!

This was one of the first that had me just sitting back and enjoying it. Dug it man

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You are very good at this.


The M:C is pretty much the only synth I’ve been playing since lockdown. It’s been great for getting back to basics, and I like the discipline of a machine of a machine with no mix tools (EQ, lo/hi filters, compressors, multiple outputs).

I decided to start a set of live videos of things that are more tunes than jams, here’s #1


It is a cool device but I found it a bit limiting

I would prefer a couple of interesting machines added to make the sounds more interesting

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Beautiful job!

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i would say it is as interesting as the user of the device ( at using it )
i love it one day , think its limited the rrest of the days :innocent:


nice one!

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Personally, I like the limitations the way I like the limitations of a guitar or something. It forces me to focus on making loops that work.

Plus there’s midi out and I’ve got some very multi-layered tracks with the stereo out from the mc and a zillion vsts :slight_smile:

I only had the Model:Cycles for a short while to test out before I sent it to someone and my mastering is absolutely horrid compared to most of the stuff in this thread, but I might as well place this here.


A new track, coming straight from the recorder. No post processing. Enjoying acid bass with some breakbeat.

Model:Cycles + a few samples (breaks, main guitar texture)


Whenever you feel the M:C is limited just go to Elektron’s SoundCloud page and listen to the demo tracks there. There are so many cool tracks with of a great variety of sounds. It surely also has to come down to our sound design skills too.

Nevertheless, new machines would be most welcome!