Model:Cycles Feature Requests Thread

@Roger I think he meant the preceding post:

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Hi @Roger! As performed in many of the recordings by @pselodux you can use one “machine” for much more than what they are intended for. Personally I like to use the CHORD machine with a fast sample and hold LFO assigned to pitch or color parameter to make a weird snare. I also like using the PERC machine as one would normally use the TONE machine by stretching out the decay and playing with especially sweep and shape parameters.

KICK is also great for bass tones!

Try it all out, man!


Being able to sync/quantize and swing retrigs are good ideas!

Anyone know if there Is there a global setting (eg per project) for default pad sensitivity? Always a buzzkill having to modify it for each track every new pattern…


Oh, I know, I’m always looking for hidden sounds within each Machine. I thought you were referring to the Tracks 1-6. :wink:

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Oh I see! My bad. I could’ve written that more clearly before.

You can make any track whatever machine you like of course. And to further change each track up there’s P-locks. I’m still blown away by the potential of the sequencer on M:C and the Digitone as a guy coming from Korg Volcas.

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If there is I have yet to find it. We really need this, along with some velocity sensitivity curve options. I am not sure if they can lower the actual threshold to trigger these pads, but I need to at least double the velocity response overall.

Ah yeah. That’d be nice. I usually drop the Velocity depth to 100 and that feels alright. Or just lock velocity, but setting a modulation destination for pads is a cool trick!

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  • Set Pan as the LFO destination using [LFO]+[FUNC]+Data Encoder
  • Add “Save Preset” to the Locks function menu

Here here for an arpeggiator! It’s come up several times in this topic, but I chant it as well.
What if the CHORD machine could strike its notes as an arpeggio? Like a secondary mode for that machine?


scales and arp no doubt!!!

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What if an Arp setting was added to the LFO setup menu. Then it could be used with any machine. LFO speed would determine Arp speed…


Active steps and the ability to set the start step in a pattern, making it possible to loop just part of it.


When you save a kit, compose a name out of the name of the pattern, the type of machine, and track number. E.g. a chord track on 3 in pattern ‘meditate’ might become “CH_Medit3”. That would be much more useful than “SOUND3”


I came up with a new Trig Condition: QUEUE. It would evaluate to true if there is another pattern queued up to play after the current one and it’s the current pattern’s last cycle according to the pattern length. Sent the suggestion to support.


Yes, the “quick setting” feature (where it moves between 0…50…100…127 and what-have-you) I’ve found to be less than useful and would gladly sacrifice it for secondary parameters like on the swing, chance, and effect knobs, and definitely in particular would love control over LFO depth. Attack can go under Decay, Pan can go under Vol/Dist…


Is it possible to root one Track to USB only? This would make it possible to take the kick out of the main mix. A must for techno trips…! I know, its a „low cost“ machine…but. Firmware update? Yes? Please!

If you keep everything in mono (which is preferable for live performance anyway), you can always pan your kick left and everything else right :wink:

No way to use the stereo send FX that way tho :frowning:


…ah, come on…why not give the models the option to be recorded in single tracks plus fx stem per usb anyways…

no need for further ob inclusion…just virtual single outs…
arguable distance to takt and tone remains…
so, if it can be done within models firmware options, it will come…some day…
and if it’s just for some final boost to sale out…

Alternate sequences (clips)

Maybe something like this has been mentioned before and it might be too much of a programming investment, but I would really like to be able to store multiple alternate sequences per track within a pattern, something like clips in the Roland MC-707.

I realize the FILL function can do something like this, but programming fills is tedious and is limited to a single alternate sequence.

The clip function could work something like this:

  1. Activate a track (TRACK + T#)
  2. Activate a clip for that track (TRACK + TRIG#)
    Maybe all tracks could also be switched to the same numbered clip (a scene) by pressing FUNC + TRACK + TRIG#.

To make this all work without surprising anyone, a CLIP on/off checkbox could be added to the Track Setup Menu (and would be off by default). The clip/scene functions would have no affect on tracks with this set to off.


This would also be great for DJ sets; mix-and-match sequences.

You could accomplish it another way, by making it possible to mix-and-match patterns. Same button sequence you described. Might be easier for Elektron to implement since no change is needed to the memory structure.

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