another randomizer is on its way…
have fun!
edit: this is not the screenshot of the current version as the randomizer has seen few changes over the years this is how the new version looks like
another randomizer is on its way…
have fun!
edit: this is not the screenshot of the current version as the randomizer has seen few changes over the years this is how the new version looks like
What is This might I ask?
sweet baby jebus.
(Noby, look at the A4 and AR forum sections – it’s a randomizer!)
Do want.
Guga, have you ever considered taking some of your skills to the iOS world? I’d love to have this in a “computerless” setup.
how da xxxx im sposeta to get anything done with all these
fun things popping up
guga good
Oh oh oh, when?
Thank jebus and guga.
there’s already something running on iOS, check both the ARR and A4R - there’ll be an iOS version for this randomizer as well
hopefully soon
there’s already something running on iOS, check both the ARR and A4R - there’ll be an iOS version for this randomizer as well[/quote]
Now we just need a MNM iOS editor with the “kit reload” function…a boy can dream, anyhow.
first version available for OSX/Win
iOS version will be available for testing pretty soon
have fun!
OMG, this is awesome. Eagerly looking forward to the iOS version now!
Well done
Yes!!! Looking forward to taking her for a ride!!
IOS version? now thats something very interesting indeed
I highly recommend making a kit of FM machines and going nuts with the Randomizer. :D:D:D
when its gonna be able for use?