Midi Foot Controller for Model Samples : help required

Thank you for your message! I am looking for a midi foot controller to control the M:S !

Midi clock is for tempo sync (F8 message)
Transport messages control play, continue, stop. (FA, FB, FC messages)

If size doesn’t matter, an MFC10 Yamaha can cover all your needs, including Start/Stop. I have it. Affordable, 2nd hand.

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Hm weird problem

Found this!

But that only covers one of your needs. It would need to be combined with another controller :frowning:

MCs should also cover all your needs.


There’s a recommendation coming from the same obstacles documented here in this thread - see last post

It appears the KMI stuff isn’t sending System Realtime messages as concluded above

It seems ambitious for the OP perhaps, but if you have very specific MIDI requirements in terms of preferred workflow macros etc - then something like Axoloti or similar (even raspberry Pi or arduino) all will offer a high degree of customisation if you’re that way inclined and are handy at soldering

The yamaha MFC-10 i have does support SysRealtimeMsg Transport start stop and cc etc - but it’s large and overly tricky for a beginner to set up imho

You won’t be able to remotely control control-all on any Elektron - but using a macro to vary the setting across multiple tracks will give some of the fun

It’s rather strange that the KMI stuff seems so completely stacked with functionality (even OSC) but it isn’t allowing custom message transmission or basic realtime start/stop

You could (if hacking around was your thing, which i am guessing for the OP isn’t the case) use a raspberry Pi as a usb midi host to both the keystep and M:S and set up a pd sketch to translate a MMC start message to a system realtime one and convert a CC msg from one channel to distrubute across all - and any other midi translations you might like

There are also dedicated MIDI translator devices which will be easier for a user to use, but they won’t have the same degree of flexibility and perhaps won’t suit the current needs

If you have a decent controller already - it should be factored into the buying equation as a Pi solution (or similar) will need only one probably smaller purchase


Hi there
thanks for your reply. I have to say it will take me a very long time to digest (let alone implement!) all this information.
At the moment I am looking to go with MC8 and take it from there I think. But thank you!

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I think I am going to go with that…I like this controller…and the editor doesn’t seem too daunting…
Could I please ask whether the 6 or the 8?
I need:

  1. Start
  2. Stop
  3. Next (for Pattern)
  4. Previous (for Pattern)
  5. Play Pattern (Pattern and Number on the M:C)
  6. Mute

and that would leave me with a couple more for use of effects.

How does that sound to you?
And if I please may ask, if/when I upgrade to a more powerful machine like the Digitakt or Syntakt I will be able to still use the MC controller?
Many, many thanks again for your help.
I naively thought it would be easy…

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The 8 seems to have 2 more buttons if that helps…:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Apparently same possibilities.

Did you download the software to check possibilities?

Pattern changes are made by receiving Program Change midi messages.
I don’t know if MC6 can use its buttons to increment/decrement messages.

To play a specific pattern you need to send a Program Change and a Play message.

Yep, no problem. I think you can buy it eyes closed…
I checking specs again…

Oh dear!
Is that it? MC Program Changes|690x319

Found this :

all functions available: almost all existing midi messages…the question would be : what can’t it send ? :content:


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HI everyone, purchased the MC8. I managed to get it to stop ok but the start takes 16 seconds. Sending a MIDI clock and BPM. Any ideas?

@sjvl, @mr_bernard ? :wink:

What if you don’t send it, send only start / stop, and set bpm on MS ?

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Thank you, doesn’t make any difference. The BPM is set on the M:S.

What if you disable clock receive on MS ?

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The MC8 won’t speak to MS like that.

Do you mean you can’t send start / stop without sending clock ? :sketchy:

Yo! My setup is:

Mc6 out to OT in (ive done same 2 rytm as well)
OT send/receive clock is checked
OT send clock (but thats sending to ither instruments, not back out to mc6). I do not receive clock from the mc6. I had bad results trying to do that. But we all know that OT likes to be the boss.

@NTM why do you want to send clock from mc8? OT/rytm and i assume MS dies not need to send clock for start/stop to work. In fact im now recalling same thing as i type!

Im pretty sure i turned off send clock on mc6 as well….

PS: i will delve into my mc6 settings later but alas my songs have not yet went platinum so i have a day job!


Hi Sam ! :wink:

Is it necessary ?

Sorry, learning my terminology here! Play won’t work, Stop does.