Midi Fighter Twister + Kenton Midi USB Host controlling OT

Yes, it looks like OT works like that (with Faderfox):


Yeah sure, OT can do that.

Seems like Midi Fighter Twister does indeed do bidirectional midi.
I found a Bitwig Mapping that indicates it.


Killer, thanks.

@Schnork yes I’ve had the twister working that way within Reaktor, great piece of kit. I’m getting a MIDI interface to let the two talk and wasn’t sure if the OT would send. That would avoid parameter jumping.


Ah, ok. I thought you were asking about the MFT.
I used OT with my BCR2000 for quite some time. Paramerer feedback works great from OT and when you change to a new part (parameters changed on OT), you can send CC61 from the controller which causes OT to send all parameters to the controller so the controller can update accordingly.

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udpate: been using MFT for some time now with an iconnectivity hub:

  • page one: OT track vols + press to mute, LPF filter widths
  • page two: DN track vols + press to mute, LPF filter freqs. Bottom 2 rows are DN Input FX sends and reverb/delay parameters. Really handy to have that accessible, can use it as a tape looper for anything coming out of the OT with cue routed through the DN.

Considering inserting a third page for controlling OT midi CCs and LFOs pointed to some mod macros on the DN…but i think thats inserting too much complexity. My live setup is already as much interface as i can handle, and the whole point of the MFT was reducing paging around;) and the side buttons on the MFT are my least favorite thing about it. Hard to reach and awkward to push.

question: Does anyone use the OT DJ EQ instead of OT filters? Pros/cons I can imagine when controlling with the Twister:

  • With the DJ EQ, the crossover points remain fixed which might be a good thing - with the filter, one moves the base and the LPF width moves relative to it. Fixed crossover behavior could be more useful when simply needing to carve out frequencies in a live set
  • On the Twister, the ‘press to reset’ function would be a lot better with DJ EQ than with filter base/width. Press to reset is programmable to 0 or 64 (50%), which works for DJ EQ as the indent is at 64. On the other hand it would only work for Filter Base resetting to 0. Theres no way of resetting Filter Width to 127/100% open.
  • Con: I’d lose any sort of fun filter LFO movement and resonance, but I’m filtering mainly on external hardware anyway I guess… tradeoffs

I do!

What I like about it is I’ll use an encoder each for Low, Mid, Hi, but I’ll also add one for Low Frequency.
This gives me a creative almost high pass kind of filter, if I tweak the Low Frequency, whilst the Low gain is cut.
Also, it’s easy to program into the Twister the kind of LED that is displayed for the EQ bands (showing a solid line to the left or right for cut vs boost) vs what you want for the Low Freq (just a single dot to represent the frequency selected). This makes knowing which knobs do what very intuitive.

And yea, the press encoder to return to center detent is huge! Great way to get out of bass kills.

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Jumping in here since I’m still a bit dense with this stuff. I have a Twister coming in the mail, and will be using it to control hardware. I assumed I could just go MIDI out of Twister to MIDI in to my synth, but it looks like it’s USB out only.

Am I to understand I need to buy a USB to MIDI host to convert this signal? I do have a Focusrite with USB in and MIDI I/O, so hopefully I can just use that as a host. Though I’ll also need to run both the Twister and my Digitakt in to it for sequencing, which means I would need a merger? This is all so confusing :sweat_smile:

Looking at these


iConnect MIDI2

Correct you need a host. Your Focusrite is not a host.

Midiplus, Kenton will work

The iConnectMIDI2 is not a host, won’t work.

Look for the words “usb midi host” specifically in the products you are researching.

And yea you will need a merger to merge the midi output of your sequencer with the output of your usb midi host, on its way into your synth.


Noob here: does anybody know if there’s any difference between the Kenton Usb midi Host mk2 and the mk3 version?

Also, if I wanted to use the Midi fighter to control 2 devices that respond to midi (over USB) I would need a Midi thru box, right? Does one with usb midi out exist?

Google noob too eh? Hehe.

From Kenton’s own website product page for the MK3

“ The MIDI USB Host mk3 now has additional features. In addition to the standard operating mode, there are now two further modes.

Standard mode (LED Green):

MIDI data received at the MIDI In socket is sent to the USB device and MID data from the USB device is sent to the MIDI Out socket.

Merge 1 mode (LED Amber):

MIDI IN does not go to USB device but instead is merged with MIDI data coming from the USB device which is then sent to the MIDI Out socket.

Merge 2 mode (LED Red):

MIDI IN data is sent to the USB device & is also merged with MIDI data from the USB device which is then sent to the MIDI Out socket.”

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So, basically, it’s just a firmware update?

“Earlier MIDI USB Host mkIIs can be updated with a free download which is
available from the support section of our website.”

Context is important. The firmware updates are for class compliant compatibility with USB hubs, not for the additional features of the Mk3

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The MIDI Fighter Twister’s push encoder (shift-function) seems to be locked into MIDI channel 5 (see screenshot) . So you can’t, for example, control OT’s track 1 ‘levels’ on channel 1, then push the encoder, twist, expect it to control ‘cue’ or any parameter on same channel 1; it will automatically become channel 5/trk5 +cc assigned.
I wish there was a way to change this default MF Twister hardware routing.

If anyone knows ‘how’ to change that on this forum, would appreciate your share of knowledge!

I’m certain you can change the channel and CC for all knobs and encoder pushes using the configuration software. The turn and push can be set to different channels. I’ll fire up my software after lunch.

How are you configuring your Twister? As in, are you using the config software from DJ Tech Tools?

Rook11 is right, secondary functions of the encoders of the MF are channel 5, and there’s unfortunately no way to change this in software.

I’m able to set the channel and CC of both the switch and the rotary independently. What function is locked to channel 5?

MFT - Encoder Settings

I was quite underwhelmed by fighter twister and the button one
I could never get some of the colours to change properly and firmware / options were very basic
And the software seemed decades old .
Could be much better.
I’ve tried most , gave up … midi designer pro 2 on iPad could do some nice things but the editor got annoying.

As you can see in the editor you can change the switch to another channel, but rotary messages (after hold or toggle switch) are always on channel 5.

Latest firmware 2019… that smacks of abandonment, I’ve been watching one on eBay but that kind of changes things… Also I’ve been reading the Ableton scripts are super flakey in Ableton 11… anyone wanna chime in?