MIDI clock out sync


I use my OT with midi2cv interface and OT is sending constant clock after stopping sequence and I need to start the OT in an exact time to stay in sync sequencer with clock. Is there any other way how to start sequencer/restart clock?

The MIDI standard is to always send clock. You will need CV interface that stop the clock when it receives a MIDI stop message. Some interfaces you can configure this and some you can’t. A reset output is also preferred if you want to sync a MIDI sequencer to a modular sequencer.

I have used the Vermona qMI a lot with my Octatrack and it works great.


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Oh yes I am using hexinverter midi2cv and using it to sequence 4 oscillators with different sequences… clock providing synchronized events. I suppose there is no solution to this kind of situation. Thx anyway.

There are several solutions to this. Maybe gate the clock with a VCA and the start/stop output from the midi2cv? A different sequencer that accepts start and stop? Maybe a MIDI filter like the MIDI Pal from mutable instruments can filter out the clock when it receives a MIDI stop message.
There are so many options and ways to do this and it’s not impossible, you just need to find the right combination.

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I think we don’t understand eachother: When I hit play button on the OT it is not in sync with the internal clock. There is always a delay of sequence vs clock depending on WHEN i hit play; except when i hit play at exact time as clock ticks.

I can only use some kind of delay compensation in my modular (F.e trigger delay), but it is still delayed and not on precise time with the grid

clock would be advancing typically every 20ms ! how do you expect that the two will align out of interest ?

The Kilpatrick MIDICV module should do what you expect.

Also a workaround can be to use one of the Octatracks LFO by setting up a synced square LFO and output that on one of the CC values. That is how i have done it on the qMI but on the Hexinverter you will need to sacrifice one CV output since it only has one CV per channel and not two like the qMI.

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this is neat trick… I have still one channel left which I am not using for live. Thanks.
Still ES FH-1 should be out soon. With proper mididin -> usb interface it will be really interesting.

Old thread but the issue with the midi2cv is that once clock is sent in both poly modes it doesn’t reset with playback. In mono mode, it does. Kinda sucks but that’s how it is.