Microtiming - select all trigs? / nudge whole track?

You can hold function then press left or right to move everything a full step not micro steps though

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When you say “nudge” do you mean:

a) Move Trigs forward / backward?
b) Shift the Micro Timing of Trigs?

Sorry - shift the microtimings of trigs. Was hoping I could do all steps at once.

While I’m here, what is the “playback menu”? I see it referred to when I’m looking up how to do things (new user, if it wasn’t evident), along with a playback button. Is this something that’s not on the MK2? I think I was looking up how to turn global timestretch off — still haven’t found that.

It’s the SRC menu.

There is no global “timestretch off” and shifting the microtiming for more than one trig at a time is also not possible.


You can shift all trigs with swing, if you select all trigs in swing menu.


You could also use a sample with a gap at the beginning. You’d be able to move start position and effectively have micro timing control.
Otherwise I think all other suggestions have been mentioned above

It’s the OT though - there’s bound to be other (probably less practical) approaches

Maybe something with an LFO that holds the sample at 0 rate then jumps up to +64 rate, after a duration governed by LFO speed. (Untested!)

If you want the same Microtiming for each Step, you can Press down more than one Trig at a time and Microtime them. After that, you can Copy the Page and Paste it on another one.

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How? :slightly_smiling_face:

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With your fingers. Microtiming works the same on all Elektron devices? I know it’s easier with the Digi’s cause you have two rows.

Unfortunately not. :slightly_frowning_face:
You can’t modify several trigs on OT (except in Lfo designer, Arp Setup pages)…

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Ah non? Merci pour l’info. Another inconsistency between devices.

Sorry Ob for the mislead!

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OT is older generation, vieux !
Inconsistency between OT MKI and OT MKII is sometimes annoying when you want to explain :
Playback vs SRC


Not more than MD. I knew for the MD but thought it has been implemented on the OT.

My mistake. I will double-check my knowledge next time.


OT have microtiming. :content:

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Was talking about selecting multiple Trigs at the same time for p-locking.

Thanks for the replies. I wish I could just have a standing thread with all my daily questions in it as I learn this thing (or a discord!). I’m going to try to space out the new threads I make so as not to annoy anyone. Literally have a pad of paper beside me with a checklist of questions that pop up.

I was talking about generations. :wink:

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