Micromonsta 2

Distortion per voice, fm filter, some parameters can be fmized…
@elektrosamplist could you shime in?

For those awaiting new scraps of information, the main page (as opposed to the FAQ) has some.

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It’ll be good to hear micromonster2 vs preen fm3 demos.

Both based on good machines , both likely to be very good , both very different.

If only I had money to buy them.

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MM2 doesn’t do real FM apparently. Only FM on filters.

From the website:

Better oscillators (some of them FM-capable)

So the term FM-capable in this context means that they are available as modulation sources but not destinations? I’m curious if it will be able to do some classic FM sounds, e.g. bells, electric piano, organ, etc.

(I’ve never owned a wavetable or FM synth, so may be asking the wrong questions here) :honeybee:

Sounds like simple fm will be possible, most likely 2 op fm, maybe with feedback, maybe mote than just a super simple 2 op fm, we’ll see.

Mutable Instruments Shruthi has a simple 2 op fm algorithm, parameters are pitch, modulation amount and modulator frequency, so very simple. Made some cool toned with it, percs, basses.

Of course, there are some details hiding in plain sight on the FAQ page:

  • 3 oscillators, oscillator 3 being the FM source for oscillator 1 and filter

I would likely expect it to exponential FM found in most subtractive synths as well and not a linear FM that is more often used for tuned type sounds, I suppose I wouldn’t put it beyond them to get both in there though but I think the norm would just to have exponential in it.


A little more news on the French AudioFanzine

Roughly: Making progress, I see the end of the tunnel. Need to create the wavetables (decided on the format, 64 slices of 256 samples, makes it compatible with WaveEdit, AudioTerm, etc. -in an update a few weeks after launch), and to write the manual. And a few adjustments that I will really do soon. Should start shipping end of October, start of November.


The box will be aluminium, painted black (not anodized black like the Doctor A).
When will we see it?
Posted yesterday: “Within 2-3 weeks, when I start to take orders.”


Some more discussion on the French forum, delayed by a few weeks due to a problem with the casing material.

Confirmation on Facebook:
“Quick MicroMonsta 2 update: official launch/reveal is postponed to mid/end november”


Hoping for some news on this, soon!


The last update on 31st October was, roughly:
The presets are more or less done, I still have to do a pass of harmonistation, then I’ll make a video / audio examples. Once I have the boxes in my hand, I’ll start the sales.


That was after new french lockdown (29 oct 2020). Apparently it doesn’t change Audiothingies planning…


Hoping they’re in lockdown shooting / editing some promo vids as we speak.

@sezare56 Did you have the original? Were you happy with it? How was the sound quality compared to the digitone?

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Yeah, I actually sold it, Analog Heat too, to fund the Digitone! I knew that MM2 was coming with 12 voices, so I didn’t hesitated much.
The thing is I bought a Virus Ti Desktop after Digitone, wanted more voices for ambient pads, and I just thought I just wanted 1 or 2 MM2 instead! Much prefered MM1 editing, filter sound, size, weight.
Don’t get me wrong, the Virus are really capable with several unison, supersaw, fx, but starting from scratch I was much more satisfied / impressed with this little monster.

I recorded this with MM1 sequenced by OT.
1 bar random patterns.


its already pretty cheap. been eying one on reverb myself but holding out news for the micromonsta 2.

I have both Digitone and Micromonsta. I would say they don’t overlap to much. I actually sequence the monsta from the Digitone, both on the melodic side. Monsta is more rolandish and Digitone is well, FM and crystal clear if I want and I usually do. Great combo for layering sounds also because you can feed the monsta into the tone audio ins and use the same fx chain/extra lfos.

LE: Nothing noticeable on the actual sound quality/level, different beast tho


Sure! MM2 is announced as pretty different from MM1 though, checking Audiothingies faq in the site. Fm capable on certain oscs, fm filter…

I’m sure MM2 and DN won’t overlap too.

MM1 midi control is very complete and clever I hope it will be similar with MM2.


Thanks for this. Sounds pretty good.

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