Meris - Enzo

EHX’s X9 series pedals and Boss SY-300 also have good polyphonic pitch tracking.

However, I listened to a step-through of the SY-300 presets and none of them sounded as good as the Enzo tones demo’d so far, though I’m sure it can be tweaked to sound decent… It also costs twice as much. Enzo’s pitch shifting is a nice, unexpected bonus.

EHX’s Synth-9 does not sound good to my ears, and the other -9 pedals are more focused on non-synth emulations (Mellotron, organ).

Meris engineer takes a stab at demoing the tracking speed.

I picked up an Enzo last week. Really like it a lot. Great tracking and lots of cool sounds. Sold :slight_smile:

Demo with pedal steel

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Just when I thought I was out…they pull me back in

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This demo is of particular interest to me since I play electric violin too, though not as well as Bad Snacks. Also, she is using electric violin/FX in conjunction with sequencers and stuff.

She has another video in which forum favorite Organelle is used as both synth and FX processor for the violin.

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Love to try this with a bass guitar, bit is it even in stock anywhere?

I use mine on bass guitar…it’s awesome!

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Good to hear. Wouls you have the time to record a quick demo?

This may not be the best example, but most of my pieces are made using only bass guitar. This jam is a bass guitar through a Montreal Assembly Count To Five into my Meris Enzo into an OT. Looped, sampled and mangled into a track. The melodic stuff is just bass into the Enzo, to a pickup machine in OT. If I happen to record just bass into the Enzo, I’ll post. But this is what I have for now


Thanks. That does indeed sound interesting.

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It happened


Saw this earlier today. Never heard of Meris, but I am highly interested in this pedal.

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Check Polymoon as well. Cascade delays + flanger is much fun, so much power packed in these pedals !!
And they sounds really great.

Meris was created by Strymon founder.


Cool stuff! I’ve always been looking for pedals that push sound experimentation, and Meris (along with Chase Bliss) some to be more up my alley. Strymon pedals always sounded good, but I wanted weird.

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Anyone tried this on synths/drum machines or know of any synth video demos? I realize this is not the primary target for this type of pedal.

I mostly use mine with guitar and bass, but have also sent drum loops, samples, and synths into it. The tracking is pretty superb, but it still is very dependent on what you’re feeding it. The dry engine is really cool for loops because you can do mono pitch shifting, filtering, ring mod, compression, and delay with modulation. And the envelope works on both the filter and ring mod. If you’re most interested in the polyphonic tracking, be warned that it isn’t instantaneous, so it is better for pads than quick playing. If you just want to use it as an extra oscillator for a mono synth, that is the ticket. Both the square and saw waves sound great and you can detune them to get really thick sounds. Plus the different filter types, ring mod, and delay really open the variety of sounds you can create.



I hope this message is OK for this group.

I just wanted to let you know that I’ve updated my web editors for the Meris Enzo and Mercury7.

They now include a simple preset manager.

Check them out at

Feedback welcome. Thank you.


Wow, just saw these and they look great! Looking forward to checking them out with the pedals this evening and also excited you have Hedra and Polymoon in the works. Cheers!

Thanks I will download for the mercury7 and if you need me to test for the polymoon let me know.