MegaCommand // MiniCommand Resurrection // MCLive

Something like that; i want some control, only clock if possible, from a daw, when Md is on ports 1 in/out and MnM on the two 2-ports.
How do i clock them from a daw when no port is available?

Theoretically, if MCL runs on 9v power, the USB port could be used for an extra midi port. Would be THE best use for it actually! :slight_smile:

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Does MEGACOM show up as a MIDI port on your host/DAW ?

No – some software solution needed, like LoopMidi

Megacom allows you to open two midi ports on the computer and relay the messages between MC USB and the midi ports.

If you setup two virtual midi ports, you can connect to them in the DAW and talk to MD/Mnm

If you’re on Windows, I recommend the awesome loopMidi virtual midi cable software: loopMIDI | Tobias Erichsen and set up two virtual ports:

It will then be picked up by MegaCom.UI:

Then, fire up the DAW and connect the ports:

Note, for MD+MCL the base channel is set to 10 by default.


All the MIDI forwarding in MCL is currently done at the ISR level, meaning 0 latency.

MegaCom is working as a looped task? which is probably not going to be suitable for MIDI clock etc…

It’s got two modes, BULK vs. REALTIME.

BULK=looped task with a tendency to back off (for other tasks)
REALTIME=everything handled right within ISR

For example, the MIDI task is REALTIME, and file transfer is BULK

Just tested myself – transport messages and clock messages are ignored. Only notes work.
Guess we need an option on the MCL side…

:open_mouth: I have to make some tie to look at the branch :grinning:

Cool, will pack it up for OSX for you

Binary files here: Release Work in progress · yatli/MegaCom.UI · GitHub

After looking at the code… I think I was lying – it says IN ISR but in fact it’s just a looped task.
Edit: it’s been written month ago – it’s indeed running in the ISR but it’s still way too loose.

Test results confirm it, can use the MD clock to the DAW but it’s all over the place.

Yes, I am aiming for this or even more preferable, a PC/Daw-less solution, as in having a Midi-Masterkey+Faderbank to control MD and MnM via CC.
Sofar this works very pleasant with only MD+MCL which is great!
Bi-directional midi correspondance of port 1 and 2 would open up possibilities to Control MnM and MD from In-2 with the downside of MnM only being connected to the Out-Port 2.

Actually, with MegaCom you can already go DAW-less – simply select your real midi device instead of a virtual “MegaCommandPortX”, and you’ll be connecting MD/MnM to the device.

For now I just want to make sure that this whole setup would be good enough on PC(software megacom)-MC. If it works, we can then develop a low cost USB host, hardware MegaCom.

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Awesome, great work there Yateo et al!
I Will check it out later and give feedback.

The name is Yatao (yeah I understand that oriental stuff is hard)

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@JustinValer I’ve reworked the midi server and introduced a new type of RT message to the state machine. Much tighter now!

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I know, fingers just slipped.
Actually i thought it was with an E for quite some time until i learned what was right and now it´s hard to un-learn. So i might happen again if i´m not focused. Just sayin´. :wink:

I am kind of curious of the thought process of a hardware based solution over a firmware based solution.

I know I’d be a one off case here, but regarding this:

I’m like 90% done the prototyping that uses the expansion port on that side. :frowning:

Ah, please don’t feel discouraged! It’s just a quick sketch of a non-existing prototype.
It would definitely make more sense if the addons can be modularized so you can daisy chain multiple.

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