MegaCommand // MiniCommand Resurrection // MCLive

Those are good ideas and have been on my list. Each version of MCL the integration with MD becomes closer. Copy and paste would be great.

Regarding tonal and arpeggiator, I’ll check again tonight. Make sure you’re running the 3.10c


Was the track muted by any chance? Legato arpeggiator ?
We did identify a problem with tuning there that will need to be addressed in a MD. update.

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Just found out that this is only an issue if I am using a midi-keyboard in omni mode, without any external device and MCL set to ‘int’ everthing seems fine. Furthermore, while trying to recreate the issue, I think I figured it has nothing to do with the ‘tonal’ or ‘default’ settings.

I suppose it is more on the side of ‘Oct’ settings within MCL’s chromatic page in conjunction with an external device.
In short:

  • Running 3.10c
  • EFM-HH set to a track
  • Octave settings on Midi-keyboard are on default
  • If OCT on MCL is set to 0 while Midi-Keyboard in omni is attached = no problem whatsoever
  • If OCT on MCL is set to 1 while Midi-Keyboard in omni is attached, activating the arp pitches up the corresponding sound for another Octave
  • Oct 1, No Arp, D1=26
  • Oct 1, Arp, D1=50

Given that there are no problems if OCT is left at 0, there might not be anything to fix. It might just be sufficient to note that, if one wants to use the chromatic page with midi-keys, OCT is best set to 0.
Did not notice yesterday that OCT was set to whatever value, thus I had difficulties to wrap my head around this problem ^^

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Just hooked up my keyboard and it looks like I can replicate what you’re seeing.

Let me see if it’s an easy fix.


Hotfixes for 3.10 (3.10d)

  • RAMPages are working again, and synchronization is improved.
  • Arpeggiator was broken when controlling from external MIDI keyboard.
  • Added some protection to sysex data transmission to reduce potential for corrupt data.

The EFM-HH with TONAL tuning is fast becoming my favorite machine.


You are gods :japanese_goblin:!!

Sorry if this is a dumb question, but while building my MC how do I run the tests?

TEST POINT: Run the SRAM firmware test.

Edit: oh, I’ve just realised by the time I get there I’ll be able to connect the arduino board and upload firmware. Doh. I’m 44 minutes into the youtube build video so not there yet.

Little question:

Is it normal behaviour that when i’m in chromatic mode on the MC, I can’t record it on the MD sequencer. I can record it on the MC recorder, via the save button, but if I engage record mode on the MD itself, play some note via the TI, I see the pitch encoder moving but just a very random number of notes get recorded as Plock on the MD sequencer. Most of it arent recorded.

Normal ?

Remember if you are following the video and building along with it, that is for the original 1.0.1 build. Read the build instructions on github and most importantly:



Yeah I realized I was going to have to pay attention when Justin pulled out the 12-bit DAC which isn’t in the 1.0.2 build :slight_smile:

Thanks for the reminder about the display.

Yeah, MCL doesn’t support the MD internal editor.

The MD will only record a plock if the step has a trig on it first
We send pitch CC before the track is triggered.

Edit: Any reason you prefer to record to the MD internal sequencer?

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Ok thanks, that makes sense.

To be honest I’ve had trouble integrating the MC sequencer in my workflow. Plocking, patterns and speed of programing still put me back on the MD sequencer. So I use the MC more for all the other features and as a big bank of kit variations. If I need trig condiction or track lenght for a specific track I use the MC though.

By the way is there a way to link a pattern with a row on the MC sequencer ? Like, If I switch pattern it also switch row on the MC ? (I tend to see the rows on the MC as an equivalent of the patterns. Like patterns that you can mix and match as you want.)

Not at the moment. There’s a few ideas up in the air at the moment regarding bank switching. We need to support external program change.

The other possibility is that we hijack the bank selection buttons directly to chain rows on MCL.

The general trend with MCL releases is that the sequencer workflow becomes more seemless with each new firmware. So it’s just a matter of time now before the two are indistinguishable from a UI perspective.


I am interested in purchasing a MegaCommand in the USA, please DM if you’re up for building one and need some $$$.

in the latest firmware has anyone noticed that a ram machine ‘representation of the waveform’ sometimes appears in the micro timing menu pop up? seems that i can scroll through the sample graphic.
Its hit and miss. Sometimes a waveform graphic appears - other times just standard micro timing
try this:
use the mega command auto ram machine p1, input a- hit dice or slice mode. Leave the p1 playing and slicing. Go to the step sequencer on the track for the ram 1 player . hold down a note, and use microtiming - see if a waveform appears. If the micro timing menu is showing up. Go into the locks and follow the same procedure as above.

That’s quit strange. I’m not able to replicate what you’re seeing. Can you take a photo with your phone?

Good to hear !


Heres the requested photo

think i worked it out
sorry not a waveform, darn it ! when in 1/8 or slow track speed the menu for utiming bunches up the graphic. Nothing to see here.