MegaCommand // MiniCommand Resurrection // MCLive


i will trym i have a couple of different versions, even clones which are of seemingly high quality, so i will check them against the original and compare. Thanks for the tip. :slight_smile:

But even if the text isn´t scrambled, in that case so far i am stuck at the first two lines in the monitor. Will try again and read up a bit more…

Edit: well, my own unit using the original mega 2560 got a PASS, not surprising, testing goes on…

Thanks thanks thanks !

Late night hacker session? :wink:

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Just released another hotfix for 3.10 (3.10b)

MixerPage was broken when muting/unmuting on the MD.
Trig Preview was broken


MCL release cycle: about realtime.


no more now :sweat:

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Have a good rest!!

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Thanks so much! i’ll dive in ASAP! :smiley:

monomachine support please! if you dont have the unit i can check this - just give me instructions.
Have some experience in coding and debugging.

I’ve noticed on the WAV Designer page there is a graphical glitch in the “Overwrite sample slot?” menu.

Anyone else getting this?

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Ok, answering myself. Have now successfully run the sram test on all built boards without any problems. The different arduino boards i have tested with didn´t make a difference so i guess they are alright.
The button test also works great on them all except on the board with the button problem.
No response from the button when pressed.
Thanks for the tips, i Will continue in github to not pollute the thread further. :slight_smile:

I tried it out via my MOTU midi express and encountered a similar issue as you described.

After seeing your post, I thought I would try merging clock from an Innerclock sync gen box with the A4 and then out to the MegaCommand Midi In/Out 2. Just ended up with a midi loop.

Tried quite a few different options but I think I might need a sync shift option like the E-RM to get things to line up.

Decided it’s too much work so have gone back to using the MD as clock source on MCL in/out 1.
A4 is connected directly to MCL In/Out 2.

Now sending clock out to the rest of the gear from the A4.

will just record sessions into Ableton off the grid at the same tempo of the project and crop the audio.

Having too much fun with the MCL to worry about it too much at this point but thought I would share in case anyone else might be saved from recabling or tell me how it’s done! Haha :joy:

Chromatic Mode:

The lowest octave pitch wraps around to highest (or certainly higher) if you decrease the detune value below 0 on the TI while the octave is set to 0.

Poly Mode:
LFOs settings aren’t shared across the tracks if you change them from the submenu on the MD.

Thanks @taxhaven for catching some bugs.

The LFO settings cannot be replicated from the LFO menu at this stage because the MD does not transmit any MIDI from this menu.


Another round of hotfixes for 3.10 (3.10c)

Most notably, the TONAL tuning tables for EFM and TRX machines were inactive.


Interested in MegaCommand builders in EU (please send a DM) :slight_smile:

Feature request:

  • Implementing ‘copy’ and ‘paste’ note function in the usual manner ([trig]+[copy]//[trig]+[paste]) would be awesome and could safe some crucial workflow time ^^

  • Enable and Disable microtiming on the chromatic Page while ‘rec’, aka “quantize” (I’ve noticed that when in Poly-mode it is particular difficult to play clean chords as the micro-timing is quite strict) - excuse my jonky playing skills ^^

And maybe a small bug:
When I switch on the arp for a track in ‘tonal’ mode it seems as if this automatically resets the corresponding sound into ‘default’ mode

I’m super interested in building a MegaCommand and running the new firmware on my Machinedrum UW+. Can someone attach a link of what arduino board I need to purchase to install the MegaCommand software into so I can get this up and running? I’m a bit in the dark on this part. IOR if I missed it somewhere in this long thread, maybe just point me in the right direction? Thank you! Fantastic work to all in involved. Super awesome that you are pushing the Machinedrum forward and making it do things it was never able to do before! I salute you! Thank you!

You don’t need a megacommand to run the new OS/firmware on the machinedrum. You can just put that on the MD.

Megacommand is a separate controller for the MD. You’ll need to build it. It needs a arduino mega2560 as the controller.


Just an fyi: RAM pages are currently broken as of 3.10

Working on a fix.