May i introduce: "Secret Friend" and "Temporarium Secretarium", a Digitone Drum Machine Trilogy in the making

If I open the Secret Friend file (ylva trax - LYV 2 - Ylva Secret Friend_1.05.amxd) with Max app, that’s what i get:

I can click on stuff, change values but is it a proper way to use it? It is mentioned presentation on the window title, maybe it is inactive. I don’t have the DN with me to check right now.

You need to click on the yellow projection screen icon to leave the Presentation Mode and see all the objects of the patch. Then you will be able to double click on the midiout object to select the Digitone midi out port.

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Awesome, thanks! Can’t wait to try it out!

Well I may be dumb but i did not succeed.

In standalone, I can see the DN in the ouputs but nothing happens on the DN side.
I tried several DAWs (Logic, Reaper and Studio One) but i could not get to know how to use MAX within them. One more evening / night that will not make it to my biography…

thanks man!..i would love this , insane live machine , could you send me the link for download…