Malekko Manther, Mr. D, and BFF Grooveboxes

I’ve seen this mentioned as an alternative to MC-202, especially with its drum partner…

I have a Manther since a year and I like this synth verry much. Here is a track using it on the bassline + A4 reverb/chorus.
RY on drum.


Another track using the Manther. Drums are from the Rytm.


are BFF and mrD still in development or have they been shelved u fink?

id forgotten all about em but just popped into me head again there.

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id like to say they aren’t shelved. but its looking like they are. Shame because harvestman doing a standalone synth with Malekko doing the hardware would of been killer.


It sure seems like it.
Mr D was the most intriguing of the lot for me.

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Ressurecting this thread because…

…I love my Manther, but I’m having problems getting it to sync to clock over Midi from Logic.

I’ve set the clock source in the Manther menu to midi - I don’t think there’s anything else to change on the Manther? - so it must be something to do with my project sync settings in Logic. I’ve set the clock to output on the midi port that the Manther is connected to. I’m not sure what else to set re clock mode and MMC etc.

I just want Manther to start and stop when Logic starts and stops, and to keep in time. Is that even possible?

If someone has this working would they mind sharing a screenshot of their Logic Project Sync settings and preferences? Thanks!

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Happy to see the thread resurrected! Love my Manther too!

I don’t have too much to offer beyond often having to switch my Manther off and back on again: the order of booting up my MIDI interface, the software and the Manther seems to matter.

Hope someone Logic-fluent can advise further!

I will note that even though I don’t have issues receiving notes, clock and transport via Ableton Live, the Manther faders seem to act delayed, sluggish when receiving clock…


The Manther is awesome. I know Ess likes the MC-202 a lot, I wonder if he’s used the Manther. I regret selling mine and will likely buy another.

this is true. in order for it to initially recognize midi note and midi clock in, you need to have the midi cable connected to the “midi in” port while booting up the unit. and probably make sure you dont have any patch cables connected while it powers on

Yes, I can confirm that the Manther is tracking Logic perfectly after a reboot. Clearly after changing the clock input to Midi you have to restart it. Responds to start/stop messages and keeps time beautifully.
Lots of fun!


Info on my (mainly) wonderful Manther is so scant!

Quick sense-check: can anyone report success on getting their Manther to respond to program changes?

Did the Mr. D and BFF ever come out?

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Nope, nothing further than the Manther.

Any idea what happened? Seemed it was a successful enough product. I’ve never used it, but I did like the Varigate and LFO.

I thought the Manther was alright, purchased around launch. Some things bugged me though. There were two waves when mixed, I think the square and pulse, that when played together would be out of phase with each other and sounded awful. Should have been caught and fixed before production. Not at all like the SH-101. Another was the build quality, just a hollow box sliding around the desk. Never had such a cheap feeling box like that was not at a budget price point. It felt like this big empty tin.

Granted, I still wish they would have expanded as they planned in the series, fixed some things and moved. Who knows, maybe they will some someday.

I really love the manther. I think it’s hugely underrated, I love the sequencer and motion recording. The built in delay is special too. Man I’m inspired, gonna grab mine and play with it right now!

I had manther, i liked the sound, but not the resolution of ui sliders. Resolution felt very rudimentary

I agree that it’s super light and moves around easily. it does feel well built otherwise though. all controls have a sturdy feel to them. but yeah… maybe they should’ve used a steel and wood case like the M32/DFAM/Sub. those have a similar feel in controls but more chunky feel to the box.

overall I liked it. a different take on the SH-101/MC-202. I didn’t use it enough and I have an SH-101 so I sold it.

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It’s pretty close to a budget price point in the modern era, but that’s exactly the problem with it. They played it too safe and tried to aim for a budget monosynth, when it really should have aimed higher and been built to retail for $1200-$1400. Imagine the same concept but built to the standard of something like the Abstrakt Avalon. Keep the screen/menu/sequencer system the same (which are really nicely implemented) and upgrade the surrounding hardware to be higher quality, and I think it would have been far better received and have a loyal following.

It’s still a neat box and I like mine, but it still screams “I could have been amazing”.