Majella Audio Implexus


Well that looks easy to use and sounds awesome. Kind of wish they’d have gone with XLR outs if using unbalanced/TS cables could truly damage the unit, but I might be unique in that desire.

A batch has hit Perfect Circuit. I really want one but the timing isn’t good.

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Anyone have one? Thoughts? Looks super fun and jammable, love synths with solid built in delays!

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I’ve had one for a while now and it’s become a favorite. Covers lots of sonic territory and the sync’d lfos and delay are super handy. It kind of replaced my Shuttle System…not nearly as flexible, but way more pleased by the sounds. The cv inputs accept -/+10 volts so it’s compatible with euro and I use the cv I/O more than I thought I would.


I managed to acquire one. I’m really enjoying it. It is very jammable, sounds great, has an incredible build quality, and is beautiful to look at. It’s a keeper.


Greetings. Wondering if anyone in this thread has more comments on the Implexus. I have a couple questions:

–when you add in delay, does the dry sound stay as loud or does it quieter as you turn up the mix knob?
–for those of you who have one, have you experimented with other complex oscillators, and if so, sonically, how does it compare? Do the oscillators really make a difference for the FM?

I really love the sound, I think this video highlights it well:

I also enjoy the sound and hands-on experience on this thing. So many sweet spots to explore.
Like with FM and ‘complex’ / cross-mod patches in general, sometimes small amounts of modulation can go a long way.

The filter sounds pretty sweet. Even if you ignore the shaping/folding and modulation options, it still does a nice job at simple subtractive synthesis. It’s a bummer you don’t get a filter input connector though.

The delay sounds beautiful, too. Nice touch with the sync options at a fingertip.
It doesn’t go fully wet, mix just brings in the delay, while the dry signal stays at the same volume. But it’s stunning if you just filtersweep the dry signal in and out.

The only complex oscillator I have is Brenso, which gives you a ton more modulation options but you’ll have to work a lot harder and use external tools to get anywhere near (and beyond) of what Implexus can get you very quickly.

The beating modulations, using LFO divisions are genius and make for incredible rhythmical patches. It’s a well thought out design and beautifully made… at a boutique price.

I could do without the constant blinking on the sync divisions to be honest… bit of an attention whore. :slight_smile: I hope they can change that or make it optional in a firmware update. You don’t really need to see those if your ears work imo. Also when you have so much visual feedback in the complex section.

MIDI note range is limited (4 octaves I believe), unfortunately, so the octave switches
get used a bit more.

I had some (de-)tuning issues in the beginning, but I guess I just wasn’t patient enough to let it warm up sufficiently. Haven’t had any problems recently.

Nice job Majella. I think it’s a future classic.


Thanks so much. I was wondering about the sound of the wave folder and harmonics vs something like Brenso. It also looks like the interface might make a difference: it seems much less crowded than Euro. The 4 octave range is a weird choice. Any sense of why? Is it the same with CV into pitch?

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Still have to try the V/oct inputs to be honest.
I only used MIDI for pitch (and clock), for simplicity’s sake (read lazy bugger).

Yeah it made me think that perhaps the oscillators tracking might not be as great over a wide range, because it seems like a weird limitation to have in this age. But I haven’t been able to confirm any of that, or didn’t really have the need to go for a wider range… But I will do more testing on that once I get back home.

Less crowded, I guess that comes with the territory of a larger desktop device, no patch points on the front, big knobs. But also much less connectivity.

Brenso’s interface is an incredibly clever design in itself, the modulation bus spreading out to the various targets, the AM/ring-mod, everything can be dialed in very precisely, I love it. Once you figure out the layout and its intentions, it’s a joy to experiment with.
Despite looking a bit convoluted at first, I think it’s a brilliant module to learn about complex synthesis.

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This is one of my bucket list synths. Absolutely beautiful to look at and it sounds great.


I played with one at Perfect Circuit while visiting LA recently and had a really lovely time with it. I second pretty much everything being said here so far.

I could honestly imagine selling my eurorack case and buying an Implexus to replace it. I am a bit bothered by the lack of a noise generator though, I tend to make a lot of percussion and that would be essential.

The delay really does add a lot to it, the complex generator can sing beautifully when you get some nice echoing harmonies going.

Huge respect to the Majella team!

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I’m looking for a complex voice to add to my DFAM. I had some eurorack and don’t really want to go to euro again but i still have a small case.
The majella looks and sounds amazing, i was always interested by this synth but i wonder how it compare to say Intellijel Atlantis + bifold for half the price …

I have an Atlantis and a MI warps, probably could get pretty close. The filter character of the Atlantis is very Roland sounding. also, you would need the different timed LFOS/Enveloped that the Implexus has.

I imagine that if you have a one to one eurorack version of the implexus (incl. lfos, env, midi, delay, case …), you’ll end up paying more money and probably have a worse playing experience with all those cables on the way.



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Pretty much always the case with eurorack vs standalone/fixed architecture

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I do wish this had some noise. And I wish the patch points were on the front. Otherwise, this thing is a stone cold classic both in looks and sound.

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I just ordered one. I have been messing around with my options in Euro but I think this will be a “whole is more than sum of the parts” thing, and I was reminded this morning of the joy of not reaching through patch cables to tweak parameters (also the joy of decently sized and spaced knobs).

I am thinking I might run the outs through a Euro mod matrix and back in, and add in some randomness or noise for extra fun. We will see when it arrives. Also, love the internal power supply.


YES! My wife will attest that when I saw that chonky AC plug on the back, I jumped up and down and did a little happy dance. “NO WALL WART” should be top of the bulleted list of features!