MacOS Catalina, setting up overbridge

I think you have to go to SYSTEM PREFERENCES > SECURITY & PRIVACY > GENERAL or PRIVACY (one of these two tabs) to “ALLOW Elektron”. I’m going by memory, but I don’t think the pop up appears automatically in Catalina.

Thanks. I’m aware of those tabs. That “allow” option does not show up for me under either of those tabs within 30 minutes of installation, or after.

I am able to use MIDI/Audio over USB, however, so at least I’ve got that going for me.

Ok. I know on the older version, possibly Mojave it would ask you if you wanted to allow, but on Catalina it required an additional step. I’ll try to do a fresh install and see if I can narrow it down.

I’ve managed to get overbridged installed on my Imac 27 ios Catalina

First time it didn’t worked, did the check with the terminal, didn’t found any drivers off elektron

Did a fresh install( didn’t had to do the security check again), after that I gave all the electron apps full disk access and DN and DT access to the mic.

Powered on my DN and DT, put them in overbridge mode and they were recognized and working :star_struck:

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I did a fresh install last night and didn’t have any issues.

Catalina 10.15.6 (2018 MBP)

OB uninstalled

OB installed

Legacy warning twice. No workarounds and didn’t have to allow anything this time.

Same here: fresh install did the trick, oddly enough.

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I think the issue might be that in the documentation it says to install OB without the device connected.

However, installing OB with the my Digitakt connected and turned on in OB mode, fixed my connection issue both on Windows 7 and Catalina.

Supposedly OB only installs the correct driver if it sees the device upon installation. Thats my guess at least.

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Thanks for this clever trick! But how do I manually install the drivers if I dont get a response to the driver call:

cd /Library/Extensions
ls -la | grep “Elektron”


Not sure if already mentioned:
for me, mac os 10.15.6 didnt show the warning in security setting after installing overbridge
Took me an hour to find the solution: just add the programmer-cert manually!

Its the workaround ath the bottom here:

Hope it helps :wink:

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Works for me thank you :sunglasses:

Does anyone here know if the new beta (released “for Big Sur”) will work on Catalina and if it’ll fix the logic 10.6 (and up) OB problems?

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thank you so much for this Uija, scratching my head as to why it did not work and your command fixed it. i found it strange that this issue is still occurring, even with Catalina and latest firmware, drivers, software…

Alright that need to have better visibility because I lost 2 hours to that issue!
I’m on MacOs Catalina 10.15.5, with Analog Rytm mkI os 1.61b and Overbridge 2.0.47, and the AR would not be recognised by Overbridge until I found that support ticket.

What the ticket doesn’t mention is that you need to restart your mac after deleting the software that prevents you to allow the driver (in my case Microsoft Remote Desktop), otherwise it won’t even show up in the System Preferences.

Cheers @Wurz!

can u help me plz? i have this eror /usr/bin/kmutil load -p /Library/Extensions/ElektronOverbridge.kext Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 "No such file or directory"
after this command sudo kextload /Library/Extensions/ElektronOverbridge.kext

Thanks Uija! You are the best!