Machines overlap

I don’t think (or expect) that Syntakt simply loads M:Cycles sysex but maybe Elektron could have a little online converter - from reading the manual I’m pretty sure the parameters of the six machines are the same as their counterparts on the Cycles, but extended. Sure, there is an additional Amp envelope and a filter but I’m guessing that if you don’t use those, the machines should sound pretty much the same.

Pure speculation of course, I don’t even own a Syntakt (yet).

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The guy who wrote Tensor for iOS knows a lot about M:C sysexes. I wonder if he will get involved in the Syntakt and provide 3rd party utilities ?

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I don’t think it is possible atm, but make a feature request :slight_smile:


I’d also be interested in that. I really like the Cycles and the Syntakt seems like a bigger blown out version.

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