Machinedrum updates?

The 909 and 303 machine…I am waiting for this…would be very nice!
Also this last demo video (posted on different topic) of making glitchy sounds using the crtl-all machine to full extent did open my eyes again even after having this machine for almost 2 years… still so much creative ideas to work on and looking forward to.
I will change my gearlust into geartrust :wink:

it would of course be cool to add pads onto the md update like the new analog one has. and i’d buy it. but who here would like to have the beloved neuron vaporware be part of the same hardware? kinda like a machinedrum and an mv8800 wrapped up into one. especially since this music is so beat-focused, it’s nice being at that machine already.

I would certainly pay for a new MD OS Update, like i did for my MPC, if it can help…

For me the MD OS is little bit chaotic. I don’t understand why must be there 128 snapshots. I think snapshots are partitions like partitions on a hard drive. But why must partitioned the MD “drive” into 128 parts? For me the Elektron Instruments are in the love them & hate them category…they would be great machines but the OS makes the functionality hard, slow and not too fluid. Please Elektron make better OS for your Instruments!

i think that the 2,5Mb are the total memory in the machine… (nope 128x2,5)

Here, here… I love 'em… but the OS’s are somewhat a pain.
I finally got my head around MD & MnM…
But I ordered an OT when it first came out… and just gave up because of the OS structure. Sorry, I know it’s a badass machine… but it just didn’t flow with me. Such a shame, because I’d love to have one… esp with the Midi sequencing on board.

Hello i encounter a major bug that can be fix for sure in a new os
When you have an incoming source in a track (INP A gate machine per example) and you mute it and then you use the control all function (FUNC + knobs) then you reload your pattern (FUNC + extended classic) at this moment when you unmute the INPut track (when ever the moment you do it) this track will have audio changes you made during the control all and this during one cycle (per example 64 steps) before it come back to normal
It’s really annoying for me because all my drums are made with my md and tanzbar kicks and clap that are audio routed to my md so i control all my drums with my md effects like the filter…

I’ve moved this to the appropriate category. I am not sure I quite understand what the issue is, but if you need to contact support, you can do so at